Pt. 2| Action

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*RINNGGGG!* Jungkook wakes up mad turns off his alarm. He gets out of bed and puts on some sweat pants, a t-shirt, and a jacket. He checks the time before heading out. The clock says 4:20 am. He grabs his phone and some head phones and heads out the door. He plugs in his head phones and listens to some Big Bang. 'Remember you need to run for 1 to 2 hours and head back before anyone wakes up.' Ana reminded him before he started his run. After a 2 hours of running he went back to the dorm and got ready for the day. He wore some black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. He went down stairs and saw that no one was down there. After 5 minutes of checking the house he concluded that no one was there. (Great job detective.) So he decided to get the work out done now. He changed back into his work out clothes and headed out. He went into the gym and the instructor said that he would be having the INTENSE class in 5 min. (I wrote intense like that because it felt right.) Jungkook signed up for the INTENSE class and headed into the room. After the INTENSE class (Okay I'll stop) he headed back home. When he got home he took a shower and wore some clothes for dance practice. After he was done he herd the front door open. He went down stairs and saw everyone. "Where did you guys go?" Jungkook asked. "We got some breakfast. Did you eat anything yet?" Jin asked. "Yeah I got something to eat while you guys were out." Jungkook replied. "Enough talking to 'him' we need to go to practice." Taehyung said while walking back to the van. "Let's go." RM said walking to the van.

Yoongi's P.O.V from earlier
"Wake up we're getting breakfast." Jimin said while walking into his and Yoongi's shared room. "Why?" I asked. "We're going because Jin doesn't want to cook." Jimin replied. "Okay." I replied while getting up to get ready. After I was done I headed down stairs and got into the van. After everyone (except Jungkook) got into the van Jin asked "Wait, where is Jungkook?" "We didn't want him to come, plus we went to his room and the he wasn't there." Namjoom replied casually. 'I wonder where he could be.' I thought as we left for the cafe. Once we got done eating we headed home to pick up Jungkook for practice. "Why do we have to pick him up." Taehyung whined. "We have to or else pd-him would question us." Namjoon replied. Once we got in Jungkook came down stairs. "Where did you guys go?" Jungkook asked. "We got some breakfast. Did you eat anything yet?" Jin asked. "Yeah I got something to eat while you guys were out." Jungkook replied. "Enough talking to 'him' we need to go to practice." Taehyung said while walking back to the van. "Let's go." RM said walking to the van. I look at Jungkook and I could tell he lied but I just walked to the van and said nothing.

End of Yoongi's P.O.V

They got to bighit and went to their dance studio. "Hey guys since your comeback is close, so we will be learning some new choreography." The dance instructor says (p.s. This takes place in the wings era.) After learning the choreography they take a 5 min break. Jungkook sat in the corner with a water bottle. 'Uggh my head hurts.' He thought to him self. "Let's start practicing again." The instructor said while standing up.
Time skip 1 hour
"Come on Jungkook it's not that hard even Jin and Namjoon can do it!" Taehyung complained. Currently Jungkook couldn't get the choruses choreography correct. "I'm trying ok." Jungkook replied kinda annoyed. "Well it doesn't look like it!" Namjoon yelled. "How about we call it a day." The instructor suggested. "Okay." Yoongi said while walking out of the room. They all got in the van and headed home. Once they got home Taehyung, Jin, and Yoongi headed upstairs. "Come here you little shit!" Namjoon said angrily at Jungkook. "Why?" Jungkook asked. "You need to learn a lesson, because of you we could barley get anywhere in the choreography!" Hoseok said while pushing Jungkook against the wall. Hoseok slapped Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Hoseok in shock.
"Hello guys I'm pd-Nim and I wanted to introduce you to your maknae." Pd-Nim said while walking in with a boy behind him. "This is Jungkook." Pd-nim introduced. "Hello Jungkook I'm Namjoon you don't need to be scared we won't bit." Namjoon said while looking at Jungkook. "Namjoon is right we will never hurt you kookie. Promise."
End of flashback
Jungkook snapped back into reality when Namjoon punched him in the stomach and said "Go to your room I don't want to see u anymore." Jungkook walked up to his room as the rest came down stairs. "What happened?" Tae asked. "We taught him a lesson." Namjoon replied smirking. "He deserved it." Jimin said while sitting down. "I agree." Tae said. They were talking until Namjoon said "Yoongi you seem pretty quiet." "I'm just tired." Yoongi replied while walking to his room. "Well time for dinner." Jin said while exiting the kitchen. After they were done he gave a plate to Yoongi, then went to Jungkook's room and left the food outside the door. "I left you some food outside your door!" Jin said as he knocked on Jungkook's door before walking away. After he felt the coast was clear he opened his door and grabbed the plate. 'Are you really gonna eat that.' Ana said. 'No' Jungkook replied. 'Good. Go to the kitchen and throw away the food, now!' Ana said and Jungkook listened. Once he got back he herd another voice. 'I can't believe you went one day without me.' SHM said with a fake shocked tone. 'Just kidding you should go cut, it would help with the feeling of betrayal.' Jungkook just nodded and went into the bathroom. He grabbed the med kit and the blade. He rolled up his sleeve to the arm that he didn't cut yesterday and placed the blade on his wrist. 'Remember how they promised to never hurt you' Cut 'remember how they just threw you aside.' Cut 'remember when they just slapped and punched you like you were nothing' Cut cut cut. Those things kept running through his head the whole time. He stopped and admired the new 'art' on his arm. 'I guess we're even now I broke a promise yesterday and today so they broke one to.' He thought to him self. He cleaned and bandaged himself up and headed to bed.
Nightmare Jungkook's P.O.V
I was running and running further into to the woods. I was ignoring the sound of someone angrily telling me to come back. I kept running through the woods until I got out and was in a little town. I ran to the first house I saw. When I got there I rang the door bell and a young woman answerd. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Help me." I said weakly. She looked down and saw a knife in the side of my stomach. She yelled "honey call the ambulance!" Before I knew it all I could see was black.......
Jungkook shot straight up. He ways sweating like crazy. After a minute he calmed down and looked at the clock. 3:30 am it read. 'Might as well get up now.' Jungkook thought. 

Boom new chapter done 1272 words
Also if you haven't seen (which you probably have because I posted about it twice already.) someone I idolize noticed me. Here is pic proof

 Here is pic proof

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Also again I'm gonna say check them out (lover_nott000 ) because they are amazing

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Also again I'm gonna say check them out (lover_nott000 ) because they are amazing. I love there books so much. The chapter called senpai noticed me say more about it so read that for my personal suggestions. Back on topic here is the Jungkook pic of the day.

#bunnyboiAlso sorry @  lover_nott000 if these notifications from me are annoying

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Also sorry @  lover_nott000 if these notifications from me are annoying. Also if I woke you up because I'm posting this at 2:40 am where I live.
Anyways remember I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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