Part 7| The past

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Yoongi POV

I went to the living room to wait for the others to get home. To pass time I decided to watch some TV.

*timeskip 1 hour*

"We're hommeee!" I herd Jin sing as him and the rest came inside. "Hey Yoongi do you know where Jimin is?" Jin asked sitting down on the couch with Yoongi. "Probably getting a snack." I replied. "Okay, I'm gonna go get dinner ready." Jin said getting up. "Wait Jin I was told to deliver a message." I said. "Okay, what message and who sent it?" Jin asked. "Jungkook told me to tell you that today's the day." I said. "Okay?" Jin said confused. After he walked to the kitchen to get dinner ready.

Jin's POV
" What does 'today is the day' even mean" I thought. I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to ask Jungkook. I got to his door and knocked. A few seconds later he opened the door. "Hey kook, I have a question." I said. "What's your question?" He asked. "What does 'today's the day' mean?" I asked in pure confusion. Jungkook sighed and said, "I mean today is the day, remember back to when we had the conversation about the letter I sent you." Jungkook said walking back to his bed. "Wait, I think he means when he said 'one day I'll tell you something really important." Jin thought. 'I wonder what he's gonna tell us.'
End of Jin pov.

Everyone was sitting in the living room just watching tv. Waiting for the makane to come down stairs and tell them what he wanted to.
Right as they were about to leave they saw Jungkook walking down the stairs. He walked down the stairs and into the living room, not making eye contact with anyone. "Hey kook, why did you want us all in here?" Jin asked. "Take a guess. Something I've never told you, but you've always wondered." Jungkook said. "You're here to tell us were unicorns come from!" Hobi yelled. "About me." Jungkook sighed. "Oh... you're past?" Hobi guessed. "Ding ding ding." Jungkook said. "So, get comfortable. It's gonna take awhile." Jungkook said while sitting down.

It all started when i was 6.....

Jungkook's past. Childhood.

I was walking home from school like any normal day. My sister Tzuyu was walking beside me and we were heading home from school. We got home and opened the door. We herd what we here everyday. Our parents were fighting and yelling at each other. By now I've gotten used to it, but my sister hasn't, so I tried my best to get her to her room and way from the sound of arguing. We got to her her and she broke into tears. "Oppa, do you think eomma and appa will work it out." She asked me while sobbing. I pulled her into a hug and replied. "I don't know Tzuyu, we can only hope for the best." We sat there like that for awhile. I waited until the noise died down. By now I knew that appa would have headed out and eomma would have gone to her friends house. "Hey Tzuyu, would you like some thing to eat?" I asked her. "Yes please." She replied. So, I went downstairs with Tzuyu and got two packets of instant ramen. Neither of us complained because we knew it was this or nothing. Once the noodles were done I got two bowls and served the noodles. We ate in silence until we were finished. I cleaned the bowls and put them away. After we both were done we headed upstairs. We were both just sitting in my room when eomma came through the door and hugged us. We were both confused, but hugged back anyways. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to do this, but I have to. I'm leaving." She said while crying. "What do you mean you're leaving?" Tzuyu asked. "I'm moving to America. You can't come with me either, but trust me, I will be back one day. I just don't know when." She explained. "Jungkook promise me one thing." She started. " Promise me you will take care of your sister for me. Also I left a stash of money in your room. Use that to take care of you and your sister." She finished. "Okay eomma." I said starting to tear up. "We love you eomma." We said together. "I love you too." She replied. She stood up and walked away. That was the last time I saw here.

Jungkook age 11.

I was sitting in my room doing my homework while Tzuyu was in her room with one of her friends. Everything was normal. Appa was probably at the bar with his friends while I'm here looking after Tzuyu and her friend Chaeyoung. I was doing homework when I herd the front door slam shut. I herd foot steps walking past my room. I just guessed appa came home and is going to his room to sleep. Until I herd Tzuyu scream. I quickly ran into her room and saw appa about to hit her while Chaeyoung was frozen in fear. I ran in front of her before he got the chance to hit her. "Get out of the way you little shit!" Appa yelled at me. "No, I won't let you hurt her!" I yelled. "Fine have it your way." He said before slapping me. Tzuyu ran to Chaeyoung and they huddled together in fear. He continued to hit me and kick me until I was on the floor coughing up blood. "Be prepared for tomorrow." Was all he said before walking out. Tzuyu came running over to me. "Oh my god! Are okay!?" She asked panicked. "I'm fine Tzuyu. I think you should go to Chaeyoung's tonight." Was all I said before I blacked out.

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