Part 5| Past secrets

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Third person POV

"Hyung wake up!!" Jimin slightly yelled while shaking Yoongi. "Why I'm not going with you guys." Yoongi groaned while sitting up. "Well Jin wanted me to wake you up for breakfast." Jimin said while getting off the bed. "Okay." Yoongi replied while getting up. "Meet us down stairs when you're done." Jimin said while walking out of their shared room. After 10 minutes Yoongi came into the dining room. "Morning." Yoongi said. "Morning." Everyone replied. "So, what are we doing today?" Tae asked. "We are going to the movies." Jin replied. "Sounds fun." Namjoon said. "Glad I'm not going." Yoongi said. "Your loss." Hoseok said. "Okay well I'm going to my room." Yoongi said while walking away to his room. "Well let's head out." Jin said. "Hey Jin can I hangout with my other friend today?" Jimin asked. "Sure just remember to be back by noon." Jin reminded him. "Okay." Jimin replied before walking out the door. Once he saw everyone was gone he headed back to the dorm slowly. Meanwhile Yoongi saw Jungkook coming out of his room and go to the kitchen. He also saw that once he was in the kitchen he threw away all the food on the plate and start to wash it. This is when Yoongi decided to act like he just woke up, so he went down the stairs yawning saying, "What time is it?" In a sleepy voice. This startled Jungkook. "OMG you scared the shit out of me!" Jungkook yelled. "Sorry." Yoongi said. "Wait, weren't you supposed to go out with the rest today?" Jungkook asked. "Naw, I didn't want to leave the house." Yoongi said. "Okay then." Jungkook said while putting the plate in the cabinet. Just about this time Jimin secretly sneaked into the dorm. "Hey kook, can we talk?" Yoongi asked. "Sure." Jungkook replied. "What you wanna talk about?" Jungkook asked. "Have you been eating lately?" Yoongi asked. "Yes." Jungkook lies . "Hmm, then why did you throw the food we gave you yesterday out the window and why did you throw away the food we gave you today in the trash?" Yoongi questioned. Jungkook turned pale. 'Fuck he caught us. You better not let him stop the progress we are making!' Ana yelled at Jungkook. 'Ok. I'll make sure.' Jungkook replied. (A/n: When Jungkook's lines are in '' these or if he's talking to any of the voices he is replying in his head. Ok back to the story.) "So, I'm gonna say that your lying about eating." Yoongi said while getting closer to Jungkook. "I-I'm not l-lying." Jungkook stuttered out. "Jungkook, please just tell me the truth." Yoongi said with pleading eyes. "I just wasn't hungry yesterday and today." Jungkook said while walking to the living room. "That's a bullshit excuse." Yoongi said while following Jungkook. "Come on just tell me. You told me in the past what's so different now!?" Yoongi asked. "Everything is fine Yoongi, I'm fine." Jungkook lied. "Jungkook you might have gotten away with lying in the past, but in the present I'm not gonna believe your lies." Yoongi said. "But I'm not lying I'm fine." Jungkook said while pulling down his sleeve that was riding up. He did it so quickly it looked a little suspicious. "Why did you pull down your sleeve so quickly?" Yoongi asked Jungkook. "All I did was pull down my sleeve normally." Jungkook said. "But, you looked panicked." Yoongi said while walking closer to Jungkook. At this time Jimin got a little closer to hear better and get a better look at what's going on. "Show me your arm." Yoongi demanded. "No." Jungkook said. "Why not?" Yoongi asked. "Because there's nothing to show." Jungkook said. "Then that means you should have no problem showing me your arm." Yoongi said while getting very close to Jungkook. "Ummmn.." Jungkook said trying to think of an excuse, but he was to late because Yoongi went forward and pulled his sleeve up all the way. Yoongi gasped while walking backwards away from Jungkook. He walk to where Jimin could see why he gasped. He saw Jungkook's arms covered in new scars. Scars that only could be obtained by self harm. At this time Jimin broke into tears. This is when Yoongi turned around and saw Jimin on his knees bawling his eyes out. "H-how long have y-you been t-there." Yoongi and Jungkook stuttered our at the same time. "T-the w-whole t-time." Jimin said while still bawling. "Why are you here Jimin?" Yoongi asked. "Well last night y-you w-were thinking o-out loud about J-Jungkook and y-you were s-saying how y-you didn't want h-history to r-repeat it's self." Jimin started while calming himself down. "I was curious about what you meant, so I lied about hanging out with a friend to see what you meant." Jimin finished and broke out into tears again. At this time Jungkook snuck to his room for some alone time. "We should give him some time alone." Yoongi said while walking to Jimin. "Yeah we should." Jimin replied. "Hey hyung can we talk in our room?" Jimin asked. "Sure." Yoongi replied.

"Is this my fault?" Jimin asked. "Is what?" Yoongi asked. "Am.....

...I the reason Jungkook is cutting himself?"

Boom 891 words. Anyway sorry for the wait.  (not like anyone was waiting) I dont know what to say, so here's the Jungkook hashtag and pic of the day. (Hey that rhymed)

 (Hey that rhymed)

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Anyway always remember I purple you💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

A/n:god why am I so cheesy. *sigh*

K bye💜💜💜

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