{The Ultimate Robot Boy Kiibo}

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"Ouma-kun! Stop lying again!" Kiibo muttered irritatedly. Constantly putting up with Ouma's lies was something he had to put up with on a daily basis. He was used to it, he'd been used to it for a while now. But there were still some times where the young robot would scold the boy for his useless foolery.

"Alright, alright! I don't really run an evil organization, Kiiboy~" The purple haired boy teased, playing with the taller boys small strand of hair at the top of his head. Kiibo blushed at the sudden action, but then again Ouma did this all the time. His checks flushed a slight pink. Naturally, Ouma noticed, but decided not to bring it up.

"S-Stop that! It's embarrassing!" Kiibo stuttered, why was he getting all flustered today? It's not like Kokichi was doing anything unordinary. In fact, his daily routine consisted of pestering and making fun of The robotic boy. Of course, it was playful teasing. Ouma had pretty much a personal hatred for everyone in the school but Kiibo. Although he didn't directly address anyone with his complaints about them.

"I'll stop when I'm finished, Kiiboy~" Ouma mocked again, flicking the strand of hair more aggressively this time around. Kiibo was getting more irritated by the second. Ouma seemed to realize it and stopped.

"What's wrong? Won't let me touch you, Kiiboy~?" He spoke again. Kiibo begins to heat up again. And he turned his face so he wouldn't have to see Ouma's smirk on his face.

"C-cut it out! M-my names not K-kiiboy!" Kiibo squealed, elbowing Ouma and trying to push him away while Ouma was trying to touch him. Kiibo enjoys the time Ouma and himself spent together, but it was when Ouma got clingy was where he drew the line.

"Fine fine! Just had to rain on my party huh?" Ouma snickered, a look of accomplishment plastered on his face. It made Kiibo heat up even more. And when he spun his head around to hide it, he felt small arms snake around his waist.

"You're so warm Kiiboy~!" Ouma smiled, nuzzling his face into the warm metal. It made Kiibo grow a deep red and get ever the more flustered.

"T-thank you, Ouma-Kun!" The robot boy managed to stutter out, despite the blush that was slowly creeping up his face every second. He tried pushing Ouma off, but he wouldn't budge. So he decided to leave him be, and Ouma clung to him all throughout their lunch break.

{Time Skip to Break Time}

"Kiibo-Kun! Ouma-San!" A blonde girl cheered, walking up to them with her usual bright smile. Kiibo and Ouma knew this girl as their close friend Kaede, and she was dragging her boyfriend Saihara along with her towards them.

"Kaede! Fancy seeing you here!" Ouma smiled devilishly, noticing that the girl's fingers were seamlessly intertwined with the other boys.

"Oh drop it Ouma! It's not like it's the first time you've seen us together!" Kaede yelled at the purple haired boy who was laughing now. Kiibo smiled, watching the scene unfold. His eyes drifted toward Saihara, who was also smiling as he watched his girlfriend start yelling at the boy.

"My goodness! How can you put up with someone as annoying as Ouma, Kiibo-Kun?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips and sighing in defeat. Ouma really pissed her off sometimes.

"O-oh! I don't know, I guess I've gotten used to it by now." Kiibo huffed, looking over at Ouma who was smiling back at him. His smile was so cute, despite his sadistic nature.

"Don't tell me you guys aren't together yet!" Another boy, known as Amami yelled, running over to them with an evil grin on his face.

"Amami! What if they wanna take it slow! And don't joke about something like that!" Kaede scolded as she knocked Amami lightly over the head. Earning a laugh from the boy in return.

"Sorry Kaede! It's just if you and Saihara have gotten there that fast, surely you two just might hit it off!" He giggled to himself, looking at the two boys who were sitting next to each other. They were both flustered beyond belief. It was cute.

"Don't try and pretend like it's nothing! Just look at you two!" Kaede chimed in. Which made Saihara smile a little, something he rarely did. Despite his personality, it would be easy for one to tell that he truly loved Kaede.

"G-guys! D-don't you think it's a bit early t-to talk about s-stuff like this?" Kiibo stammered, clearly embarrassed. This earned him a look from Kaede.

"Sorry Kiibo-Kun! You know we mean no harm, right?" She reassured him, patting him on the back and dragging both Saihara and Amami away with her, leaving Kiibo and Ouma along to get her their thoughts.

{Time Skip To After School}

Kiibo sighed as he slammed his locker shut and slung his bag over his shoulder. Another day without telling Ouma how he felt again. Valentine's Day was coming up and he was hoping he would confess to Ouma by then. In desperate need of advice, he sent a text to Kaede.

RoboBoy: Kaede, I need your help.

PianoChan: What's up, Kiibo?

RoboBoy: I wanna confess to Ouma soon? What should I do?

PianoChan: Wait til Valentine's Day, it's only like a week away now!

RoboBoy: Really? Should I get him anything maybe?

PianoChan: That's a good idea! Maybe get him Panta, you know how much he likes that ;)

Kiibo laughed at the expression she sent at the end of the text. Kaede did know Ouma pretty well. And she knew how much he adored the carbonated drink. So Kiibo decided to wait until Valentine's Day to confess. He had a week to get what he needed too, which was convenient.

It was already Friday, and Kiibo decided to leave for home quick and get ready. He was invited to sleep over the night at Kaede's and didn't want to be late after all.

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