{The Ultimate Proposal}

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"Alright guys! When Ouma gives Kiibo his answer, you guys'll cue the lights on me and I'll start playing the piano. Kaede whispered to the two males as she sat on the stool next to her piano. The three had to drag it to the the now clear banquet hall at Kiibo's request. Of course, they didn't mind because they had known Kiibo for so long.

This was the day Kiibo was going to propose to Ouma. The two had been dating for so long now, hardly any of the five could believe two years had gone by just like that. Kiibo had requested that the three meet him back at Hopes Peak at nine at night. There, the four met in the courtyard, Amami was told to pick Ouma up at his place around eight and bring him to the Academy. Kiibo, Kaede, and Saihara would already be waiting in the hall.

Amami would take Ouma to the hall and for a few moments darkness would stand between him and Kiibo. Saihara and Amami had purchased a special light just for the occasion, and would first place the light on Kiibo. After Kiibo would say the magic words, the two would turn on the hall lights and Kaede would play on her piano.

It was around eight now, and Amami was waiting for Ouma by the front of his house. He had texted the purple haired male a few hours earlier asking him if he wanted to mess around Hopes Peak. It was summer now, so most of the time the Academy was empty. It was also the regular meet up place for the five.

Ouma came out a few minutes later in his regular attire, white coat and pants, with his signature checkered scarf. He had his usual smirk on his face as he got in the passengers seat of Amami's car. Amami smiled, ruffling Ouma's hair as he started the car and headed for the school.

{With Kiibo, Saihara, And Kaede}

Meanwhile in the banquet hall, Saihara was about to finish setting up the light, and Kaede was giving Kiibo encouragement as always. Her words included the usual, You got this, Kiibo! And We believe in you! It'll all be over so fast, ya won't even realize it! The blonde haired girl cooed in the robot's ear. The robot smiled at her and idly stared into the small box in the palms of his hands. Inside the box was a ring, silver with a purple diamond adorned on top. The three had helped Kiibo pick out the ring around a week prior.

"You ready? Cause we are!" Kaede grinned, hopping around excitedly and shaking Saihara by his shoulders. He was idly smiling, Kiibo was too. It was time for him to finally propose, and he knew he could count on his friends to help calm his nerves. They had his back through thick and thin, and he was so thankful for that.

Suddenly, Kaede's phone screen lit up from its place on the piano. Naturally, the girl ran over to read it. She picked up the phone and opened up her texting app. As soon as she finished reading the message, she screamed with joy and began to scramble around.

"They're here! They're here! They're here!" She repeatedly squealed. Kiibo pushed aside in the nervous voice that was lingering in the back of his mind as he turned to Saihara. The boy nodded and quickly shut off all the lights in the banquet hall. Kaede ran over to the piano, checking one last time to see if her music was in order before propping herself up on her stool and assuming playing position. Kiibo stood there in the dark, he was still able to see Saihara, but just faintly. The boy gave him a nod to let him know he could also be seen.

It was the moment Kiibo had been waiting for. He was going to propose to Ouma.

{With Amami And Ouma}

Amami slipped his phone into his pocket as he hopped out of the car. Ouma eyed him suspiciously as he did this, but quickly dropped all suspicion while getting out of the car. The two stared up at the stars for a few seconds before the green haired male led Ouma slowly to the banquet hall. They passed by empty classrooms and computer rooms, until they finally reached their destination.

"The Banquet hall? Just what are you planning, Avocado?" Ouma asked, his suspension rising once more. Amami just chuckled, pushing open the door and stepping to the side. Ouma watched him do this, and he slowly walked into the room. Kiibo could hear his footsteps, and he quickly inhaled before turning around, Ouma was just a few steps away from him, and he looked confused.

Kiibo looked over at Saihara, Amami was standing next to the boy and the dark haired male gave Kiibo a quick thumbs up before turning the light on and pointing it directly on Kiibo, who winced at the bright light. The light had startled Ouma, but as soon as he saw it was just Kiibo, he relaxed.

"Kiibabe?! You scared me!" Ouma laughed, running over to the robot and giving him a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. Kiibo blushed, and pulled the velvet box from behind his back as Ouma separated himself from the other male. His expression was blank with a hint of confusion. Kiibo got on one knee and stood there in front of the purple haired boy.

"Ouma, we've been dating for a while now, and I think it's about time I asked you...will you marry me?" Kiibo asked, opening the box to reveal the small ring. Ouma gasped And cupped his hands over his mouth, eyes wide with shock. Kiibo waited eagerly for a response, and he was able to see Ouma tearing up.

"Yes! Of course!" Ouma cried, throwing open his arms and crushing Kiibo in a hug. The robot was no longer his boyfriend, he was Ouma's fiancé. It felt weird calling him that, but Ouma would get used to it eventually. Kiibo separated himself from the hug and took the ring out of the boy, gently sliding it onto Ouma's ring finger.

It was at that moment that the whole dining room lit up. Kaede started playing a wedding song on the piano, which Kiibo and Ouma immediately recognized as Can't Help Falling In Love. Ouma looked around the large room, Saihara had turned off the light and him and Amami were laughing happily and yelling congratulations to the two other males.

As Kaede finished playing the song, she hopped off the stool and ran towards the two boys in the center of the room. Saihara and Amami did the same, and the three enveloped Ouma and Kiibo in one big group hug. Ouma was on the verge of tears. But they were not tears of sorrow, they were tears of joy. Kiibo was getting rather emotional too. The three others had squished the two as close as physics could allow.

"Congrats guys!" The three chimed in harmony. Kiibo and Ouma laughed, they truly did love their friends. Everyone slowly and sadly separated from the hug, but the happy vibes still stayed strong. Kaede was jumping for joy and was happily jumping about with Saihara. Amami put his arms around both Kiibo and Ouma's shoulder and snickered.

"About damn time!" He teased. Both boys started to blush, and everyone started to laugh again. It was a joyous occasion, and Kaede insisted that the five go to her place and celebrate, everyone agreed, and as they were walking out, Kiibo had forgotten one more thing, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Thank you three, I couldn't have done it without your immense help!" Kiibo smiled gratefully, his hand intertwined with Ouma's. The three turned around and Kaede looked like she was about to cry. She ran to both boys, and hugged them one more time. Mumbling about how it wasn't a big deal and that they would always be there to help.

"Back off Piano, he's mine!" Ouma hissed, clinging to Kiibo's arm and pushing Kaede back. The blonde haired girl giggled and ran forward, linking her hand with Saihara as they continued to walk. Over the years, Ouma had taken to calling his friends certain names. He called Kiibo Kiibabe, Amami Avocado, Saihara Detective Boy, and Kaede Piano. At first, the four appeared annoyed with their new nicknames, but eventually the names grew on them.

Before they knew it, the five were all crammed in Amami's car, heading for Kaede's house. As Kaede sang along to the radio from the back, Kiibo looked at Ouma, who was sitting next to him. Ouma noticed his gaze and looked back, flashing the robot a bright smile. Their world was perfect, now that they would be together forever.

{ End }

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