{The Ultimate Secret is Out}

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The Following Monday Kiibo walked to school once more. That was one hell of a Friday. After the kiss and cuddling, Kiibo really wasn't sure what was what anymore. Were Ouma and him finally a thing? Or were they just friends?

His thoughts came to a halt when his locker bud and best friend since middle school, Miu, tapped him on the shoulder.

"Way to go Kiibo!" She snickered, Kiibo stopped organizing his materials abruptly, and looked up at her.

"Miu, what is the meaning of this?" He asked, generally confused, he was still unaware that Kaede had shared the video with everyone in their class.

"Give it up! We all know you and Ouma are a thing!" She cheered, elbowing him and then giving him a hug. Kiibo's expression turned into one of pure horror.

"W-Who knows?" He stuttered, he started to breath heavy, Miu noticed and gently patted him on the back.

"Only a few of us Kiibo! Relax!" She reassured him, he turned to face her. His breathing had returned to a normal pace but he was still panicking internally.

"B-But who knows? C-can you give me any names?" He asked her, she smiled and though about the question for a moment.

"Let's see! Himiko, Tenko, Angie, Maki, Kaito, Tsumugi, and then of course there's me!" She grinned, slapping him on the back and placing her hands on her hips. Kiibo took a moment to recollect his thoughts. He gathered his belongings and stood up.

"Who told you? How do you know?" He eventually sighed, Miu turned to his with a confused look on her face.

"Kaede, Amami and Saihara! Duh!" She replied, but she seemed puzzled. Kiibo seemed to notice the sudden change of her expression.

"Oh?" Kiibo was starting to worry at this point. He decided the best course of actions was to confront the trio about it himself. He bid farewell to Miu and hurried off to class. As he stepped into the classroom, he found it funny how everyone had their own little friend groups. In one corner of the room were Angie, Himiko, and Tenko. In another corner there was Gonta and Ryoma. Maki and Kaito appeared to be having a conversation with Tsumugi, and Kirekiyo was talking with Kirumi. Kiibo made his way to his desk, he placed his books on it and walked over to his friend group.

"Hey kiiboy!" Ouma cheered and hugged the boy, Ouma had been in a significantly happier mood after the kiss that they shared that Friday. Kiibo couldn't help but smile and pat Kokichi's head softly. Kaede giggled to herself and Amami smirked. Kiibo looked up at them.

"So a little bird happened to spill a little info that I was not planning on sharing," He said, Ouma looked up at him, confused. Kaede and Amami looked at each other and then at Saihara, who simply shrugged it off. Their faces had a look of both shock and fear. A few seconds past before finally Kaede yelled, breaking the silence.

"I recorded you guys! I didn't mean to!" She screamed, everyone in the classroom was looking at them now. They all looked as if the young girl had just murdered somebody. Kiibo was about to say something, but was cut off by the bell. Everyone made their way to their seats and the teacher entered the classroom.

He greeted the class like he usually did and dived straight into the lesson. Tsumugi, who sat in the desk right next to Kiibo leaned in his direction and silently started to whisper to him.

"You mean you didn't know they recorded you?" She asked him, keeping her voice at a low. Kiibo turned to her and sighed.

"I didn't know, I guess they didn't tell me." He whispered back, the blue haired girl smiled and looked up to make sure the teacher wasn't looking at them. He wasn't naturally, instead he was blabbering about math while scribbling something on the blackboard.

"You know, I'd be pretty mad if somebody recorded me kissing somebody and didn't tell me~" She hummed and turned her attention back to her work. Kiibo did the same, but he couldn't stop the blush that was starting to form on his face.

Meanwhile on the other side of the classroom, Ouma kept staring at Kiibo, it was like he couldn't turn away. He was trying his best to concentrate on his work but he was too focused on the robotic boy to work. Amami noticed and tapped him on the shoulder. He sat behind Ouma, so communication was just as easy.

"Jealous much? You did see he was talking to Tsumugi, right?" Amami teased, Ouma's face flushed red and he turned around to glare at Amami, he laughed quietly.

"I am not jealous! He's just too beautiful to not look at!" Ouma defended. Quickly bringing his hands to cover his mouth, he himself couldn't believe what he had just said. Amami's eyes widened again, but only for a second. He snickered as Ouma turned his attention back to his work, although he couldn't look at it for very long before his eyes slowly shifted towards Kiibo once more.

The purple haired boy sighed to himself. This was going to be a long day.

{Time Skip to Lunch}

"So, I think we can all agree that we need to talk about that happened in homeroom this morning!" Amami announced, shoving a load of rice into his mouth.

"True, but please try not to speak with your mouth full Amami." Kiibo noted, Kaede laughed. She was scrolling through her phone and had remembered the recording. She sighed and placed her phone on the lunch table, pushing it towards Kiibo and Ouma. They looked up at her with a look of confusion on their faces. She frowned and tapped on the video, it started to play.

Ouma and Kiibo's eyes widened in shock. Kaede would never do that right? It seemed so unlikely of her to do something like that. Thankfully, the volume on her phone wasn't that loud, so no one else in the cafeteria could hear it.

"I'm really sorry...we didn't mean to..." Kaede apologized. Kiibo and Ouma knew her, she would never fake an apology. They looked at each other and smiled before returning the phone to her. She looked up at them, her eyes starting to water slightly.

"It's alright Kaede, we forgive you." Kiibo laughed, Kaede started to cry out of happiness. She was thankful she didn't lose her friends. She was so happy that Saihara had to escort her to the bathroom just so she could wipe away any last tears.

Despite being upset that Kaede had recorded them, and that more than half of their class knew about their relationship, both boys couldn't bring themselves to be mad at Kaede. She was a sweet girl after all, and they didn't want to risk their friendship with her.

They looked at each other once more and smiled. Kiibo was lucky to call Ouma his own.

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