{The Ultimate Friend}

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Kiibo was the first to awake of the two, he looked down to see Ouma resting peacefully at his side. Kiibo watched him, the smaller boys chest slowly rising and falling, he was so cute.

Slowly, Kiibo got up. Shaking Ouma slightly. He shifted under the covers and groaned, opening his eyes to see the robot boy smiling at him. Ouma felt the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

"Morning Ouma-Kun!" Kiibo laughed, Ouma sat up and rubbed his eyes. The robot boy ruffled his hair before getting his materials together for school.

While Kiibo was busy making food, Ouma raced to the bathroom and made his hair. He had asked Kiibo if he could borrow some of his spare clothes a few minutes prior. He shrugged on an oversized black hoodie and jeans and finished it off with his classic scarf.

When Ouma emerged, breakfast was already waiting for him at the table. He ate quickly and slipped on his shoes before skipping off to school with the robot following closely behind.

{By The Lockers}

"Kiibo! Kiibo! Valentines day is tomorrow! What're you gonna do with Ouma?" Miu cheered, swinging open her locker and fixing her outfit in the small mirror inside. Photos of her and her group of friends having fun were plastered inside the small space. One of them was Miu scaring Kiibo from behind when they were in middle school.

"I'll most likely be taking him to the movie theatre. Have any plans, Iruma-San?" Kiibo asked, as he searched through his bag for his materials. Miu grabbed her materials and shut her locker, causing Kiibo to jump.

"Nah! I'm probably just gonna hang out with Himiko and Tenko! Maybe Angie will join us too! Who knows!" She laughed and ran inside the classroom. Kiibo knew Miu wasn't really the type for Valentine's Day, but he had spent a few of his valentines days hanging out with her and her friends and just having fun.

Kiibo laughed before grabbing his materials and heading into the classroom himself.

{After Classes That Morning}

Kiibo waited patiently by the fountain in the front courtyard, waiting for Ouma. He was taking longer than he expected to arrive. Kiibo sighed and rested his head in the palm of his hands. Waiting for Ouma was boring, and he had nothing better to do.

"Yo! Kiibo!" A familiar voice called out. Kiibo looked up, Miu was walking over to him with a new invention in hand. Kiibo looked at her, clearly confused. Normally Miu had classes to attend to or was hanging out with her group of friends. The courtyard was the last place Kiibo expected to find the young inventor.

"Iruma-San? Where are the others?" Kiibo asked, the girl tried to contain her laughter at the question. Kiibo narrowed his eyes.

"They're at the nurses office. Kaito tried eating a lollipop stick first, ended up choking. Maki has to take em' away!" She snorted, Kaito was pretty bold. So it wasn't out of the usual hearing this news. Of course Kiibo wished that Kaito wouldn't be so reckless, but that was just part of what made him himself.

"Yeah..." Kiibo mumbled. Miu noticed his tone and sat next to him. She wasn't always the one to look to for advice, but she definitely knew how to help others, especially Kiibo.

"Hey, something's bothering ya. Wanna tell me what's up?" She asked softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Kiibo closed his eyes and took a deep breathe before spilling his thoughts out to the girl.

"I don't think I'm good enough for Ouma..." his voice barely exceeded a whisper, but it was loud enough that Miu could hear. Immediately her eyes went wide.

𝑪𝒊𝒓𝒄𝒖𝒊𝒕 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | 𝐊𝐢𝐢𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐚Where stories live. Discover now