{The Ultimate Valentines Day}

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"Kiibo! Kiibo wake up!" Ouma cheered excitedly, shaking Kiibo's shoulders gently. The taller boy groaned and rubbed his eyes. But his mood quickly changed when he saw how happy the smaller boy was. He sat up and patted Ouma's head. Who laughed and pulled him into a kiss. It shocked Kiibo at first but he soon eased himself. Ouma was rather eager this morning for affection, but so could blame him. It was Valentine's Day after all.

"Good morning, Ouma-Kun!" Kiibo laughed as he broke away from the kiss. Ouma whined slightly but quickly smiled. He got up and grabbed an outfit, rushing into the bathroom as Kiibo went to make breakfast. Ouma emerged a few minutes earlier, just like the previous day. Breakfast was ready by then, and Ouma ate while Kiibo made sure they had all their supplies. They headed out together a few minutes later, fingered laced together as if they had been dating for ages, even though it had only been around a week.

{Once At School}

Once the two boys arrived at school, they were greeted by many students doing things couples would. Ouma took it upon himself to could all the pairs that he spotted in the halls while making there way to there lockers. He found Leon and Sayaka sitting together reading in the courtyard, Naegi and Kirigiri talking by the soda Machine, Sakura And Aoi talking about sports on the first floor, Taka was scolding Mondo near the gym, Maki and Kaito we're taking a nap by the fountain and Miu, Tenko, And Himiko were taking pictures, and Tsumugi was getting a piggyback ride from Gonta.

Everyone seemed to be completely wrapped up with their partners. Kiibo found it funny when the bell rang and all the couples had to (sadly) separate. The robot only had a few classes with Ouma, but he didn't mind since they still saw each other at lunch and at break. And after school they would walk home together.

Kiibo found it very hard to pay attention in class today however. The teachers decided that they would take a break from boring work and try to get the class to participate in Valentine's Day activities. Everyone thought they were a bit silly, but they still participated. Kiibo thought it was a pretty clever idea, and he enjoyed making cards and giving them out to his fellow classmates.

Meanwhile, Ouma's class was doing the same and he was having the time of his life. His class was allowed to play truth or dare, and Ouma chose the dare. Miu made him flirt with Kiibo over text message, which he gladly did. Keeping everyone updated on the conversation.

Everyone was having the time of their lives. And by the time lunch rolled around, Kiibo and Ouma were almost sad to leave their morning classes. But they were happy knowing that they'd be seeing each other soon. The two packed their materials in their lockers and quickly met up with each other, linking hands and walking to their usual hangout behind the school. Kaede, Saihara, And Amami were already there waiting.

"Took you long enough, lovebirds!" Amami laughed, Kaede elbowed him and sighed. Amami could be a pain sometimes, but everyone knew he always had good intentions. Like the time he dragged Ouma along with him to spy on the blonde girl and the dark haired boy as they happily spent their time together at the cafe down the street. It was only until everyone arrived home that Amami decided to post the photos he took of the couple on their group chat. Amami got a very bad beating upon arriving at school the following week.

"Akamatsu-San, what are you and Shuichi planning on doing this Valentine's Day?" Ouma asked curiously, squeezing one of Kiibo's arms tightly. Personal space was something Ouma could never seen to understand. But the robot didn't mind. If anything, he actually liked when Ouma would cling onto him. It made the boy feel safe and wanted. Something he had never felt until just a few short weeks ago.

"Eh, we're probably just gonna head to the fair after school! Feel like joining us?" Kaede laughed, she was a friendly girl who was always willing to let an extra few people tag along with her and her loving boyfriend as they went on fun dates and such. Kiibo joined them once along with Ouma and Rantaro. They all went to the park and got in trouble since Amami threw the ball they were throwing to each other in a private lot and had to go get it. Kaede recorded her whole thing on her phone and the group laughed as they all watched Amami carefully try and climb over the fence. Only to fail and end up getting chased by the park ranger. Of course, Amami had been scared by the incident, and got a long lecture from the ranger after that.

Out of all of Kiibo and Ouma's friends they could easily both agree that Saihara was the most sane. Always quite and thinking, silent yet lovable. He was the brains of the group. Kaede was the kind one, Amami was the adventurous one, and Ouma and Kiibo were the new power couple. Their friend group was perfect. And the teenagers wouldn't change a thing about it. Suddenly, the teenagers' thoughts were interrupted by the loud bell suddenly dinging.

"Awe, text us after your date guys!" Kaede smiled, quickly slipping her hand into Shuichi's and running off with him. Rantaro following closely behind. Kiibo connected his own hand with Ouma's and they walked once again hand in hand of their afternoon classes. Parting ways as they went to their lockers.

The afternoon was just as fun as the morning. Lessons were put on hold to let the students participate in more group activities. And students were allowed to send cards to other students in another classroom as well. Naturally, both Kiibo and Ouma wrote a love letter to one another. With the encouragement of Miu and Kaede of course. The teachers also decided it would be fun to surprise the students by giving them all cards of their own, each accompanied with a small bag of candy. It was one of the best days both boys ever had.

{After School That Day}

"Kiibo! Open up!" Ouma cheered, knocking on the robot boy's apartment door. They decided not to walk home together that day because they wanted their attire for their date to be a surprise. Ouma had an oversized gray hoodie with gears on it, Kiibo gave it to him for his birthdate the year before. That of course, was before any romantic feelings were yet to emerge. He also had comfy black sweats and sneakers.

"Ah, Ouma-Kun! Ready for our date?" Kiibo smiled, opening the front door. He had a scarf around his neck, a light black jacket, and jeans. Both boys definitely weren't dressed in very fancy clothes, but that wasn't what they were going for. They just wanted to look casual, and they did. The two laughed and quickly joined hands as they happily walked to the movie theater.

They entered the theatre and Kiibo got the tickets as Ouma ran to the snack corner and got himself a large slushee and a box of candies. He paid for the items and rushed over to Kiibo, they both walked to the theater in which they were watching the movie. There weren't that many great movies, so the two had to settle on a sad romance story. Both were secretly wishing for it to end but still enjoyed each other's company. Ouma was cuddled up close to Kiibo and had their hands connected. There were a few sad parts where Ouma fake cried and Kiibo would silently laugh. Of course, he knew the purple haired male was faking it, but laughed along anyways.

The movie ended shortly after and the two left the theater. Kiibo checked the time, it was getting pretty late. Ouma and the robot boy just decided to head back home, they both were pretty tired and wanted to sleep. Kiibo unlocked the door to his apartment and Ouma ran inside. He ran into the bathroom and changed into his pajamas before meeting Kiibo in the bedroom. They both got under the covers and huddled together for the night. The routine they had been going by for the past few weeks, and the routine that they would be going through for the rest of their days.

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