{The Ultimate First Date And Gift}

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"Kaede, your hair is a mess!" Saihara commented, emerging from the bush Kaede and himself were crouching behind. He flicked a couple of leaves out of her blonde locks while she had an eye on Kiibo's apartment. She pushed Saihara down once she saw the two boys exit the building. She had set up a date for them and wanted to make sure nothing bad happened. She was surprised Saihara didn't complain about coming along.

"Cmon! They should be heading to the restaurant first!" She smiled and tugged the boy along with her. Saihara knew Kaede, and knew she would never give up. But that was just the thing that made the boy admire her even more.

They stalked the purple and white haired boys all the way to a restaurant. They had already reserved a booth far enough away so that the two wouldn't see them, yet close enough so that they were in eyesight. Kaede kept a close eye on the pair, noticing how they seemed to react to each other's comments or questions. Once or twice Ouma managed to make Kiibo laugh, it was cute.

Once the boys had finished eating, they figured they'd head to the arcade for the end of the date. Kaede once again dragged Saihara along to the arcade. They watched from the pong area as Kiibo attempted to impress Ouma with a game of smash bros on one of the large TVs. He was actually pretty good at it, and the two could tell Ouma was really enjoying himself.

Once they were done at the arcade, Kaede and Saihara followed the two back to Kiibo's house. Ouma and Kiibo talked for a short while at the door. Kaede started shivering and huddled Saihara. It was the beginning of Winter after all. Ouma turned to leave for his house but Kiibo grabbed him by the arm and kissed him quick. He smiled sheepishly s Ouma's whole face exploded red.

"Y-you can't just do that!" Ouma whined, playfully bonking Kiibo on the head. He laughed and hugged the smaller boy.

"Why can't I? I'm your boyfriend, aren't I?" He smirked, Ouma dug his nails slightly into Kiibo's jacket and hid his face in his chest.

"W-well yes b-but I-" he was interrupted again by Kiibo leaning in and kissing him. He looked up at the robot boy and laughed.

"C-can I stay the night?" He asked shyly, retracting his arms from the hug and looking at the ground. Kiibo smiled and let him in. From the bushes, Kaede was freaking out and shaking Saihara excitedly. The date was a success. Next, they would need to help the two boys deal with Valentine's Day. It was only four days away now after all.

{The Next Day At Lunch}

"So! What are you planning on getting Kiibo for Valentine's Day, Ouma-kun?" Kaede asks at the lunch table the following day. Ouma was lucky Kiibo had to study that day or else he would have had to see how flustered the small boy was. He rested his head on the table and sighed.

"Im not really sure what to get him..."He groaned, burying his face in his scarf. Amami laughed and patted him on the back.

"Give him something that you know would mean a lot to him!" The green haired boy said, attempting to help the boy.

"If that's the case, why don't you just give him yourself?" Saihara teased, Kaede giggled and Ouma hid his face even more. Amami gave him a look before going back to trying to comfort the purple haired boy.

"Saihara-Kun!" Amami scolded him, rubbing gentle circles into Ouma's back. Kaede's expression softened and she looked at Saihara, then to Ouma.

"You know we're just looking out for you, right Ouma-Kun?" She smiled warmly, and Ouma slowly retracted his head from his scarf and sighed.

"Yeah I know..." he smiled and blushed a little in embarrassment. They of course smiled back and continued to discuss something else. Once lunch was over, Ouma hurried off to class and anxiously waited until the end of the day, he had an idea of what he would get, or rather make for Kiibo.

{After School in Ouma's Room}

Ouma smiled to himself softly, tugging at the threat and knotting it. He took his pair of scissors and quickly cut the threat at the end. He held the small doll replica of himself and hugged it. He hoped Kiibo would like it.

And for his first time sewing, Ouma was surprising good at it. Better than he expected he would. He was able to replicate
the doll pretty accurately. Everything was there, even the little buckles on his pants. He also made sure that the checkers in his scarf were neat too.

Ouma was proud of himself. And by all means he should have been. He snapped a picture of his finished creation and sent it to Amami.

SexyGayGrape: Behold, my valentines gift to Kiibo!

GayAvocado: Sweet Avacado! That's really accurate! I'm impressed!

SexyGayGrape! That's right! You should be!

GayAvocado: Haha! Of course you'd say that!

SexyGayGrape: Say, you gonna ask anyone out for Valentine's Day?

GayAvocado: Nah, I was planning on getting something for Tsumugi but I think Gonta's planning on doing the same. Besides, I don't really swing that way.

SexyGayGrape: Awe! That's a good sport Avocado!

GayAvocado: Alright man, well I'll see you tomorrow!

SexyGayGrape: See ya!

Ouma threw his phone on his bed and smiled. He placed the miniature doll of himself on his nightstand and got under the covers. Thinking of Kiibo as usual. Valentine's Day was only three days away now, and he thought of what Kiibo would think about his gift.

After a few minutes, he finally drifted off to sleep. Peacefully dreaming of his wonderful robotic boyfriend that he loved so much.

{Meanwhile In Kiibo's Room}

Kiibo shifted slightly in his own bed. Rubbing his eyes and checking the time. It was pretty late in the night now. He turned the other way and faced his desk. Sitting there neatly was a magenta scarf, just big enough for both Ouma and himself to snuggle together in. He saw it in the store the other day and thought it would be a good idea to purchase it. As well as the scarf, Kaede had mentioned that he should try and make something for Ouma. So he decided to stop by a local fabric store and pick up a few feet sheets. When he arrived home he tried to sew a little replica of himself. It didn't go as bad as he had expected it too. He did have to go online and look up a few simple stitching tutorials here and there, but overall he did a good job by himself. He was proud of what he accomplished today. And decided he would wrap the gifts the next day before school.

Both boys fell asleep proud and accomplished. Of course, thinking of each other.

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