I don't need anyone
Cause I'm good on my own
my demons put me threw hell
I don't feel like going on
This isn't a horrible dream anymore
In stranded in a sea of my own demons
Please it hurts me to much to live
Kill me
But I have a special someone
I can't live without out you
Not a relationship
Just a person
Who changed my life forever
And I hope you know you leave me at peace with my demons
I proud of who you are
No monsters may touch you
Because you have my protection
If you weren't here
Neither would I
You road threw fire
I pray for you
That one day you will feel safe
At peace
Because god you fucking deserve it
You don't deserve the shitty cards god gave you
Have mine
We can share
Because I have you
And I don't need anything else
You had to learn to fight for yourself
I love you
A lot
If something or whatever the fuck happened and you aren't the okay
I'll be there
Every single time
If I'm in America and your on the other side
I will spend every dime I have on saving you
I don't need money
I have you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Thank you for breathing