I'm sorry: continued

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See other people... see other people? I can't I love him to much to even think about that.

Two weeks later

So its been two weeks. And Noah has went on at least two dates. And I have went on zero. You want to know why? Because I love him to much but apparently he doesn't feel the same way. He went on a date with Abi and with Jacquie. Ozzy and I might be go on a date tonight. But that was the plan for the past two weeks.And I have been canceling because I thought that maybe Noah would call or something.

So I am miserable. I can't live without Richelle. I've been in two dates and both of them ended bad. I heard that Ozzy and Richelle were going out so I thought that she moved on.

"I can't do this anymore. "I think to myself. No one is home so I go to the bathroom and get out a razor and roll up my sleeves. And cut myself until I feel satisfied with it. Then I clean up and go to my dance room. And turn on Ledger Ruins

I danced my whole heart out. As I listen to the words all that I can think out is our brake up and how much it has hurt me .

I text Richelle saying " I'm sorry " I know that she isn't going to answer me but I just need her to know.

After I finish dance I go over to my phone and see that Noah texted saying " I'm sorry " I can't do this anymore so I text back " I'm sorry too "

She texted back saying " I'm sorry too" That's all that I needed right now.

Hey guys thanks for reading. I'm sorry that I haven't updated this book that much. But my sister had her second girl on Friday so I have been watching my two year old niece.

Nochelle.   Hurt ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now