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HEWWO! NEW CHAPTER! Anyway! This chapter doesn't have major triggers I don't think, but it does imply physical abuse, so... Yeah! Enjoy! <3

"Virgil? Sweetie?" Virgil startled awake, staring up at his ceiling. His body ached. Oh geez, he fell asleep on the floor. Fantastic. "Virge?"

"Y-yeah, what is it, Mom?" Virgil answered.

"Your dad and I are going on a shopping trip. We'll be back later, okay?"

"Yeah." Virgil replied, getting to his feet. Ow, his back. "Yeah, okay." he heard his mom walk away, heading down the stairs. Virgil groaned, flopping onto his bed. It was eleven in the morning already, but he had no reason to stay awake, it was the weekend.

Virgil's eyes drifted closed, and he relaxed. Only for him to startle awake by frantic knocking at his door, an hour later. Virgil shot upright, eyes wide. What the heck?! The knocking seemed to get louder, and Virgil immediately looked over at his window, expecting to see Daniel. But no one was there. What... the door. The front door. Idiot.

Virgil rolled out of bed, quickly running out of his room and down the stairs. He didn't even look out the peephole, just opened the door.

"What is-...." Virgil trailed off, eyes widening. "Kat...?!" Kathryn immediately rushed inside, hugging Virgil and sobbing. Her arms were bruised all over, and Virgil could tell she'd been slapped and smacked across the face. "Kat... K-Kathryn, oh my god, what happened?!" Virgil asked frantically. Kathryn just shook her head, crying harder. "Kathryn! K-Kat-"

"I-I-I can't!" Kathryn just repeated this over and over, tears running down her face. Virgil didn't know what else to do, except hold her, his own breathing becoming erratic. What- what the hell was he supposed to do?! Who hurt Kathryn?! What was going on?! Virgil was in such a panic, that he didn't even notice the knock on the door, even though it was slightly ajar.

"Virge, your mom said you seemed upset last night, I came to make sure you're not mop- what in the world?!"

"R-Roman!" Virgil squeaked out, staring up at his cousin. Roman stared at him with wide eyes, looking back and forth between Virgil, and the crying girl. But he didn't say anything, for once, he just rushed over, gently prying Kathryn off of Virgil. Kat immediately clung to Roman, still sobbing.

"Call someone, now!" Roman said, voice frantic, but also calm.

"Who?!" Virgil exclaimed, he felt sick, he felt like he was about to vomit.

"I don't know! Just, somebody!" Roman said, gently pulling away from Kathryn. "Hun, I need your phone, can you give me your phone?" Kathryn shakily nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket. Roman quickly took it and tossed it to Virgil. "Hurry up, Virge!"

"I'm trying!" Virgil squeaked, glad that the phone wasn't locked. He quickly started looking through the contacts.


Logan was at the top of the list. Virgil pressed the call button without a second thought, holding the phone to his ear. God, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't-

"Yes, Pa-"

"Logan!" Virgil exclaimed.

"Wh-... Virgil? What-"

"Logan you need to- I... I-I dunno what's going on, but Kat- she just- and she's crying and she's hurt! And I don't-"


"Just get the hell over here now!" Virgil burst out, feeling like he was about to cry himself.

"I'm heading to my car right now." Logan informed. "Virgil, you need to breathe, and I need you to give Kathryn the phone." Virgil nodded, even though Logan couldn't see him. He took a deep breath, shakily handing the phone to Kathryn, who had been lead to the couch by Roman.

"K-Kat, it's Logan, he wants to t-talk to you." Kathryn immediately took the phone, sobbing as she held it up to her ear.

"L-L-Logan!" Virgil sat on the other end of the couch, rubbing his knuckles against his jeans. Breathe, just breathe. He shouldn't even be freaking out, he wasn't the one that had been beaten! Virgil looked over at Kathryn sadly. "I-I can't!... B-because, I don't... I know... N-no... N-no, it's because... L-Logan, please don't be mad! I-I'm the emotional one!.... Th-that's not why!" Virgil couldn't help but stare, he had no idea what else to do. "H-he was just jealous, okay! A-and when I t-t-told him, he... he j-just..." Kathryn broke down into sobs again. Roman, who was sitting next to her, immediately wrapped her in another hug. "I-it wouldn't have happened if I-I was just normal!" Kat cried. Virgil frowned, glancing at Roman, who had an analyzing look on his face. "N-no I'm not, Logan! I-if I wasn't... Y-you don't get it!" Kathryn yelled that last part, and Virgil's eyes widened when she just hung up the phone, tossing it to the floor and burying her face in Roman's chest.

Thankfully, Logan burst through the front door minutes later. He immediately rushed over to Kathryn, who pulled away from Roman and hid her face in the couch cushions.

"Patton." Virgil's eyes widened slightly, surprised when Logan addressed her with a different name. Wait... what... "Patton, look at me. You need to breathe." Virgil looked over at Roman, who had a knowing, sad look on his face. Virgil furrowed his brows, then his eyes widened. Wait... Kathryn was... oh. Oh.... "Nothing is wrong with you, Patton. This is normal sometimes. Rare, but normal. There's a scientific explanation too."

Kath- Patton. Patton whimpered in response, burying his face deeper in the cushion.

"I-I don't care about science...!" he cried.

"Well... that's not the reaction I expected." Virgil blinked, staring at Logan. Did he just.... Patton snorted softly, but didn't lift his head. "Was that a positive or a negative reaction, Patt?" Logan continued. Virgil smiled slightly when he heard a watery giggle escape Patton. "Patton, you shouldn't listen to what other people say about you. Especially if their name is Adam. Do you know why that is?"


"Because they make everything up." Logan replied. Patton snorted again, then burst into laughter. Logan sighed softly in relief, and Virgil smiled at the sound of one of his friends being happy again.

"I s-still remember the day I first told y-you that one." Patton giggled. "Y-you spit out your milk, and it came out of your n-nose!"

"Yes, I remember that well." Logan said, rolling his eyes. "And I'm still wary of drinking anything when you're around because of it." Patton laughed again, and Roman did as well. Virgil smiled in relief. He seriously thought he was going to have a heart attack earlier. At least this was sort of... resolved?

"Uh, Patton." Roman spoke up. "If you don't mind... we need to know what happened." Well, screw resolutions then. Patton's smile immediately faded, and he stared down at the floor.

"...I can't tell you." he said softly. Virgil frowned.

"What do you mean? K-... P-Patton, you don't have to be scared." he reassured. "Whoever hurt you, they can't do it again. We'll protect you." Virgil's frown deepened when Patton shook his head adamantly, and Logan stared at him with some kind of look that made Virgil's gut twist.


"H-h-he said not to..." Patton mumbled shakily. "O-or he'd... I-I don't want him to h-hurt Virgil..." Virgil's eyes widened, and Roman looked over at him in shock.

"Wha- excuse me?!" Roman gasped. "Who's been threatening my cousin and hurting my new friend?!" Patton curled into a ball on the couch, not saying a thing. Logan sighed.

"I'm telling them." he decided.

"L-Logan, no, he'll just-"

"Then he'll have to deal with me first." Logan stated firmly, looking over, his gaze meeting Virgil's. "It was Daniel. Daniel is the one who did this to Patton."




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