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"It's not even that high." Virgil snorted, staring at Logan as the taller teen hung upside down from the jungle bars. Logan squirmed.

"How do I get down?"

"You've never done this before, have you?" Virgil laughed, starting to help Logan down.

"N-no, I never saw a reason to! Don't pull me-" Logan yelped when he fell onto the pebbles. "Ow!"

"Lesson one, don't thrash when getting off jungle bars." Virgil smirked, looking down at him. Logan narrowed his eyes.

"Again, there was no point in that!" he said, rolling his eyes. Virgil smiled, plopping down next to Logan.

"Sure there was. It was hilarious to watch." he snickered, staring up at the cloudy sky. "It looks like it might rain."

"Rain is common in october." Logan agreed. Virgil narrowed his eyes at the sky slightly.

October... two months. It had already been two months. Virgil sighed, resting his arms behind his head. It felt like only a week or two...

"What are you thinking about?" Virgil looked over at his boyfriend, Logan was staring at him, those blue eyes boring into Virgil.

"....Everything." Virgil mumbled. "Logan?"


"How can two months fly by so fast?" Virgil wondered. Logan hummed.

"Well... good times seem to make everything go by quickly." he replied. Virgil nodded. "And that usually happens when you're surrounded by those you care for." Logan gave him a small smile.

"So... you're a time alterer." Virgil concluded. "Interesting." Logan chuckled, which made Virgil beam. He just really really loved Logan's laugh.

They just laid there for a long time, staring at each other. Virgil bit his lip.

"What about you?" he asked. Logan furrowed his brows. "What are you thinking about?" Logan sighed softly, squinting.

"Honestly?" Virgil nodded, absentmindedly scooting closer to Logan. "I... I am thinking about how I've never enjoyed two months of my life so much."

"Oh. Really?" Virgil wondered softly. Logan nodded, moving his head a little closer, staring into Virgil's dark brown orbs.

"What are you thinking about now?" he asked, voice like silk. Virgil bit his lip again, face warming.

"Honestly...? How much I really want to kiss you..." Logan's face immediately turned red, before he and Virgil laughed a bit. "Is it really that funny?"

"Yes... and do you wish to know why?" Logan asked, lifting a hand and gently resting it against Virgil's cheek, his thumb gently caressing Virgil's skin. Virgil nodded, blushing more at the touch.


"Because... I was also thinking the exact same thing..." Logan answered. Virgil smiled, leaning even closer to Logan's face. Logan did the same, until their foreheads were touching. "...Are we about to share our first kiss?" he whispered. Virgil beamed.

"Yeah... so stop talking and kiss me." he stated softly.

Logan grinned, and Virgil's eyes closed, his breath hitching slightly when Logan's lips touched his. It wasn't a hard, passionate, or forceful kiss. It was gentle, because Logan was gentle. It was new, because things had changed.

It was good, because it was different.

A/N - BOOM! THE END!!!!!

You likey??? I hope so lol

So, yeah, technically this is the end of the story, but I may do something more cuz I just... Really loved writing this. I'm so proud of it, and it's technically the first fanfiction I actually completed (not counting one-shots)

So... Do ya guys want some one-shots for this universe? I could do that to keep me in the mode of writing? Whatcha think?

Anyway! Thank you so much for reading! Y'alls comments made me so freaking happy and proud of myself XD

See ya later!!! <3

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