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(Hate me all ya want, I'll still sit here and laugh maniacally >:3)

"Hurry, Patt! I wanna see!" Roman laughed, excitedly waiting outside of the dressing room. Patton giggled in response, and seconds later, he walked out. Roman's eyes widened slightly. Patton was dressed in a nice pair of khakis, and a bright blue shirt. He had the biggest smile on his face, and his curls fell into his eyes. Roman felt his face warm. Geez, he loved Patton's smile.

"I look like a dad." Patton suddenly laughed, looking in the mirror. Roman blinked, scoffing.

"You look fantastic!" he reassured, taking out his phone. "Strike a pose, Patt! I'm sending this to Virge and Lo!"

"Aw, don't disturb them!" Patton said, waving a hand. Roman raised a brow.

"Disturb them?" he asked confusedly. Patton rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"For someone who's so romantic, you sure don't pick up on that kind of stuff often." Roman blinked. Okay, what?

"First of all, I have noticed something about Virgil and Logan, but I thought I was imagining it. I am always fantasizing. And second," Roman grinned. "You think I'm romantic?"

"What?" Patton's eyes widened, and Roman caught the small pink color that brushed across his cheeks. "I-I meant- uh.... Forget I said that, are you gonna take the darn picture or what?" Roman laughed, bringing up his camera. But then he frowned at a realization. No text from Virgil that he was home. Virgil always texted them wherever he was... "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, just... Virgil usually texts when he's home." Roman replied thoughtfully. But, then again... maybe he and Logan were spending time together. If that was the case, Roman didn't want to screw anything up. "I'm sure it's fine. If he's not home, he's with Logan. And if he is home, he might've just forgotten. He's been really tired lately..."

"Yeah... I guess." Patton mumbled. Roman looked up, frowning at the expression on Patton's face.

"Hey, what is it? Where's that marvelous smile?" he wondered. Patton forced a small one, shrugging.

"I just..." he sighed. "Daniel and Virgil wouldn't have broken up if it weren't for me..." Roman's eyes widened. "They were happy, Roman. I... I ruined it."

"Hey, none of that!" Roman said firmly, wrapping Patton in a tight hug. "You didn't ruin anything, Patt. Virgil was already questioning how Daniel was treating him. It was already starting to... fade. You know what I mean?"

"I guess..."

"If anything, you saved Virgil." Roman reminded. "Even though you were scared, you ran to Virgil. You showed him what you couldn't exactly tell him."

"Yeah..." Patton shook his head, gently resting his head on Roman's chest. "Thanks, Ro." Roman beamed, blushing as he held Patt tighter.

"Any time, Patt. I'm always there for my besties!"

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Logan pulled into the parking spot, stopping the car and leaning his head back against the seat. He was being ridiculous. Why was he so worried about Virgil? He barely even knew him, yet he was concerned about him. Virgil obviously didn't want to confide in Logan, and he should respect that. Yet, he wanted Virgil to trust and talk to him. He was wondering what Virgil was doing now, if he was okay.

Logan groaned, resting his forehead against the steering wheel. He'd never had this problem before. Patton was an exception, they'd always trusted each other, there was no need to question if the other was alright. They could just tell. But Virgil... Virgil was different. And despite Logan's personality, he didn't adjust to change well. He avoided change the best he could, all his life. With Patton, it didn't feel like a change. But this... this was a huge change. Why were feelings so complicated?

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