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A/N - AYYYYY WAZ UP?! I gotta say, I'm surprised y'all are liking this story so much... (I wrote all of this story in like, a day, so I was afraid it would be pretty crappy) But apparently I'm good at what I'm doing, so YEEEEE

ANYWAY! This is kind of a short chapter? I'll probably post the next one too? It's just that after this, it's two more chapters, then the epilogue, so... *shrug* 


Logan hated worrying. He hated how nervous and fidgety it made him. He hated how he could never think straight when he was anxious about something. But what made it worse this time, was that he wasn't just stressed or worried about Patton. Patton was fine.

Virgil was the one Logan was worried about.

Apparently, he was sick. Which was odd, since Logan noticed how careful Virgil was when it came to anything really. Plus, Virgil had seemed healthy when Logan dropped him off at home. Something didn't feel right. Logan was trying not to make a big deal out of it, since he wasn't a genius when it came to feelings anyway. He had to be overreacting, he was just thinking too much. Maybe Patton was right, maybe he needed a break.

Logan sighed, reclining in his desk chair. He picked up his phone, scrolling through the contacts. Roman had given him Virgil's number yesterday, just in case. Logan really wanted to call and check on him, but was debating. He didn't want to bother Virgil, if he was resting.

But, what if he needed something? Logan bit his lip thoughtfully. It was the afternoon, it wasn't too early, or too late, he should just call. So he did. Logan tapped his fingers nervously on his knees, waiting as it rang.

"H-hello?" Logan swallowed thickly. Virgil sounded... okay.

"Virgil, hello, it's Logan." Virgil was silent for a moment, probably shocked.

"...H-how did you-"

"Roman gave your number to me... I was just..." Logan sighed. "I wanted to check on you, see if you're alright." Logan expected the answer he was given.

"I'm fine..."

"Virgil, I'm... worried."


"And I usually... don't get worried. I'm not very good with feelings and emotion, but I... I know breakups are hard." Virgil was silent. Logan bit his lip, fearing he'd said the wrong thing, but he continued. "I just want you to know that... If you ever feel the need to talk to someone about anything, you can always contact me."

"...O-oh..." Virgil mumbled. "That's... th-thanks, Logan, b-but..." Virgil's voice was shaky, and Logan frowned.

"Virgil, are you sure you're alright? You don't sound well at all."

"I-I'm sick."

"I know, but... Would you like me to bring you anythi-"

"N-no, I'm fine, Logan!" Logan blinked.

"It's really no trouble-"

"Please." Logan froze at the almost desperate tone in Virgil's voice. "Just... j-just leave me alone, okay? I-I don't feel good... I just wanna be alone... O-okay?" Logan swallowed thickly, closing his eyes for a moment.

"...Okay, Virgil," he replied softly. "Just... please, call me if you need me."

Virgil just hummed in response, and the line went dead. Logan groaned, hanging up and dropping his phone onto the desk. He rubbed his face irritably. He obviously upset Virgil, why did he even call? And why did he have to bring up Virgil's breakup? That was genius, Logan, really.

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