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A/N - Here's another chapter cuz this is like my favorite one I wrote... (buckle up, guys)


It became a routine. Every day. Whenever Daniel had the chance, whatever time he wanted, he showed up. It was an endless cycle, it felt like nothing was ever going to change. And it really wasn't, Virgil knew that. The only way things would change would be if Virgil was willing to risk his friends' safety. That wasn't an option. This was the only solution.

Virgil had gotten used to it. After about a week... it didn't hurt anymore. He'd become numb to it. The pain when Daniel forced himself on Virgil, the pain in Virgil's heart when Daniel stared down at him. It was gone. It disappeared. Virgil knew it was still there, this all still hurt, but... he didn't feel it. That's what Daniel said, wasn't it? He'd be gentle? If it didn't hurt... he was gentle. Right? Right...

Virgil still kept it a secret. No matter how much he wanted to tell someone, he didn't. He ignored his logic, that Daniel wouldn't know Virgil told, until Daniel was paying for what he'd been doing. But... what was there to pay for? Virgil wasn't trying to stop him. He was letting it happen. That meant it wasn't bad... didn't it? They were dating... it wasn't bad if they were together... this wasn't bad... it didn't feel right, it felt all kinds of wrong. But it wasn't bad.

That's what Virgil continued to tell himself. When Daniel arrived, and immediately started taking what he wanted, Virgil repeated it in his mind. After Daniel left, and Virgil would start texting with Logan, trying to distract himself, wanting more than anything to tell Logan how much he was suffering, Virgil kept telling himself, kept talking himself out of it.

Don't tell. Don't fight. Don't think about it. Don't do anything. That's all he had to do. Just be the mindless toy Daniel wanted him to be. Just do what Daniel said, and everything would be fine. It was fine. Virgil was fine.

"Did you miss me?" Daniel asked softly as he climbed inside, shutting the window. Virgil automatically nodded, staring at the floor. Daniel chuckled, walking over and running his hands through Virgil's hair, kissing his neck. Virgil clamped his eyes shut.

Just go somewhere else. Imagine anywhere else. Like the library. He was in the library, talking about books with... Logan. Logan was there, Logan was smiling at him, not touching him, not hurting him.

Daniel suddenly pulled away, and Virgil froze when he heard it. Someone was knocking on the front door. Virgil's eyes widened. Who... his parents were at work. Who could that be?

"Go answer it, and tell them to go away." Daniel ordered. Virgil blinked.


"Go." Daniel growled, grip tightening on Virgil's arms. Virgil nodded, standing when Daniel released him. He hurried out of the room and downstairs, opening the door a crack.

"Hello, Virgil." Virgil's eyes widened.

"L-L-Logan..." Crap... crap crap crap! "W-what... what are you doing h-here?" Logan bit his lip.

"Well... I just figured I would check in on you. Colds usually pass in a week's time, and you... weren't answering your texts, so..." Virgil felt heat rise to his face.

"I... I'm fine." Logan's shoulders seemed to sag slightly at his words.

"Virgil, are you sure? You look pale..." Virgil shrugged.

"I-I'm still sick..." he mumbled. Logan sighed, opening his mouth to reply, but stopped, staring down at something. Virgil blinked.

"...Your arms are bruised." Logan said softly. Virgil's eyes widened. Fuck.

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