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HECATE'S breath hitched in her throat as she finished the spell she had worked on tirelessly for millennia. Her parched tongue rolled over her small, thin lips as she poured the small amount of purple dust into the small, black velvet pouch held in her left hand. 

Hecate knew what the cost of this spell would entail, but anything, everything was worth the reward of the contents in her small hands. The reward, to be rid of the Queen of the Underworld and vacate the hole in Hades' heart once again. A hole, that for the past thousand years had been filled with the auburn hair and emerald eyes of the Goddess of Spring. A goddess that made Hecate's skin crawl and her hands clench just at the sight of her long curly locks, her piercing eyes that were the color of the springtime grass. 

Hecate would do anything to rid herself of the goddess and today, she finally would be. Finally, she would be free to take the place in Hades' heart, to take Persephone's place as queen. To be the spark in the King of the Underworlds eye. Something that she had desired her entire existence. 
Today was that day.

Hecate slowly placed the velvet punch into her long peplos and made her way down the long, black marble hall to the room where the King and Queen of the dead slept. She carefully opened the door and made sure they were both sleeping. However, she was surprised to see the Queen, Persephone, fully clothed and sitting by the hearth. Her brows were furrowed as she went over pieces of loose parchment.

Hecate was about to close the chambers door when Persephone's gaze snapped up to where the lesser diety stood.

"Hecate, dear friend, what brings you to my chambers at this hour?" Persephone's gentle voice sounded out looking at Hecate with a concerned gaze.

Hecate's hands trembled slightly and she clenched them together to cease the nervous tick.  "Nothing, just thought I would offer a cup of tea?" Her voice softened looking at the woman she was about to destroy, who was as also one of her only friends.

Persephone's lips pursed slightly before a small grin spread across her alabaster face. "That sounds lovely, let's move to the dining room as to not wake Hades." She said pulling her silky robe over her slender shoulders and standing.

Hecate and Persephone sat chatting quietly at the table a cup if tea in each of their hands that Hecate had made extra special for her dearest friend.

Persephone took another long sip from her drink and smiled. "Its been so long since we had a talk like this, I've missed you Hecate."

Hecate sipped from her unspiked tea and nodded. "Its a shame really.." she trailed off.

"Yes, you really should make a point of visiting more often, I was so glad that you decided to stay here at the castle this past week. Work has been rough for Hades and I." Persephone said before scratching her throat slowly.

Hecate sneered softly. "Throat itchy?"
Persephone's emerald eyes widened and she gripped her slender throat. She tried to speak but it was as if she was choking on her own throat.

She gasped for breath clawing at her throat begging for air. Hecate sat in her chair shaking only slightly watching her potion do its work.

Its impossible to kill a God or Goddess, but to trap them in an abyss was, indeed, possible.

Hecate lifted the amethyst necklace in the shape of a rose, from her neck and pressed the pendant to Persephone's forehead.

Then she was alone.

And so was Hades.

Word count 614

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