-Chapter Four-

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Hayden picked at the skin of his fingers and watched as one of his helpers cooked a small meal for Sophia and him to enjoy together. A pit tugged at his stomach and he wished to tell her who she was, but knew he had been forbidden from doing so. The fates had told him that he had to win her back before her memories would be restored.

Sophia tucked a small chunk of her auburn hair behind her ear and Hayden wished to do it himself. His queen was within reach for the first time in over two thousand years, and all she saw him as was the creepy boss who was staring at her constantly calling her by a name that she didn't recognize.

"Mr. Fyre, I understand if you dont want to tell me who your friend is that I remind you of." Sophia said her pink lips curling into the tiniest of smiles that boiled Hayden's heart with both joy and sorrow. "But, staring at me in silence isn't much better." She finished a small laugh escaping her tender mouth.

Hayden felt his cheeks burn with the red blush that now coated his olive toned face. "My apologies Miss Summers." He whispered back pulling his gaze from her heart shaped face.

The maid served them their dinner of steaks and baked potatoes and Hayden's stomach growled in satisfaction. His blush deepened at the melodic sound of Sophia's laughter. Her fingers worked hard slicing the meat carefully before setting a piece in her small mouth which then upturned in a grin.

"This," She said covering her mouth and pointing at the steak, "is amazing." She swallowed her piece of steak and took a bite of her baked potato. Hayden sliced his own meat placing a piece on his own tongue.

She was right, the meat practically melted in his mouth and Hayden couldn't stop the small moan of approval that slipped from his throat.

Sophia's grin widened as she admired her employer, her heart was beating faster by the second for reasons she couldn't explain. But all she knew in that moment was that she was comfortable.

Comfortable in ways she didn't comprehend. Comfortable like she and Hayden had grown up together, known each other their entire lives.

She shook the thought from her head and took another eager bite of her steak. Hayden's sapphire orbs stared at her tirelessly between his bites of steak and sips of wine. He seemed to be almost entranced. As if caught up in his own head.

Sophia licked her lips and took a large gulp of her wine swallowing the bitter liquid before returning Hayden's gaze.

She could see the visible bob of his Adam's apple and smirked. She made him nervous and she liked that fact. Hayden's brows furrowed together, clearly deep in thought about how he would convince his dear queen to once again fall for him. 

This life had made her different, the first time she was innocent untouched by the human world, untouched in every possible way. This time, she had suffered, her mother "passing", never having a father figure around his dearest had never had it easy this time around. However, when Hayden looked into his beloveds emerald green eyes he knew that it was her. 

Hayden cleared his throat, promptly wiping his mouth with his white cloth napkin. "So, Sophia, tell me about yourself." He insisted smiling a half smile at the flame-haired female across him.

Sophia patted her cloth napkin gently against her soft mouth before speaking. Her voice was soft and sweet to Hayden's ears and he listened intently to her story.

She was born in a small town outside of the city, where she lived with her mother until she was ten. Her father abandoned her before she was born and her mother had raised her to the best of her ability. That is until she was killed in a car accident a few years ago and left Sophia alone in the world.

A short story for such a short life. Hayden's eyes softened and he placed an overly warm hand on her small fragile one.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother, that can't be easy." Hayden said softly his sapphire blue eyes locking on her emerald ones.

Sophia's breath hitched in her slender throat for a second before she swallowed hard and nodded. She couldn't shake the familiarity of Mr. Fyre. She couldn't shake the recognition in his eyes from her mind. He had asked to hear about her life, yet it seemed he knew every aspect of her life before she said it.

"Sophia, I would like to offer you a permanent position at Fyre Innovations, benefits and quarterly raises." Hayden closed his eyes awaiting her refusal but it didn't come instead Sophia let put a small squeal of excitement before stifling it with a small cough.

"I would be honored, Hayden" She said her tongue dancing on his name.

Hayden couldn't help but smile at his queen admiring her from a distance wouldn't be so bad, especially if the fates were never wrong.

They had promised that he would have his Persephone back and Hades wouldn't give up until his queen was once again his.

Word count 879

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