-Chapter One-

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SOPHIA'S eyes opened slowly, taking in her surroundings. Her slim frame was wrapped comfortably in her thick comforter, protecting her from the cold bite of her small apartment. She slowly, unwillingly sat up clutching the covers to her body as she looked around waiting for sleep to escape her body fully.

Today was the first day at her new job at Fyre Innovations, a realty company in upper Manhattan. Sophia had landed herself the prestigious job just a mere week before to her amazement, as not many people were hired by the mysterious company. Her interview had went quickly and with ease with none other than the owner of Fyre, Hayden Fyre. 

Sophia nibbled on her bottom lip remembering her meeting with the tall, handsome man she now had the honor of calling boss. she remembered how warm and inviting his office had been, how scorching, yet comfortable his handshake was. The burning gaze in his fire like blue eyes. His hair a stark contrast to his pale olive skin, dark and black, like the feathers of a raven. 

Reality snapped her back to the freezing cold of her tiny apartment as she paid a small glance to her alarm clock, which glowed a soft red reminder that she had one small hour to be out of her living space, and into the warm environment of her new job. 

Sophia quickly showered and readied herself for work, remembering a rule placed on minimal makeup. She quickly brushed a small amount of mascara onto her wide, green, almond shaped eyes and dried her long auburn hair pulling it into a ponytail. She wore a white blouse tucked into a long black skirt and finished her look off with a simple necklace that her mother had given her as a child. The cold metal brushed her warm skin and she shivered slightly. The necklace was a small rose on a silver chain. She wore it every day as a reminder of her mother, who had been killed by a drunk driver five years prior.

Demetria Summers was only twenty years old when she had Sophia making her a youthful mother, and therefore, Sophia and her mother had been best friends and she grieved heavily every day for her mothers premature departure.

Sophia hurried out the door of her small, frigid apartment and into the even colder morning air of New York City. She tugged the material of her jacket closer to her body and rubbed her slender, glove-clad, hands up and down her arms in any hope of extra warmth.

The walk to her new job was not a long and strenuous journey, however no matter how short a time she was outside the cold never failed to freeze her to her bones. She much preferred the scorching heat of spring and summer. Or in her case, even the burning office building of Hayden Fyre. She let her mind wander, only for a second back to the memory of his burning blue gaze. The way he looked at her as if he knew her somehow, even though it had been their first time meeting to Sophia's memory. She briefly remembered the way he fumbled over her name looking at her with a seemingly confused, yet infatuated grin.

The overly warm embrace of Fyre Innovations broke her from her trance as she looked around welcoming the heat with open arms.
She gently placed her now folded coat over the back of her seat and took off her gloves rubbing her stiff fingers against each other to soothe the cold skin.

The monitor in front of her had a post it note with her temporary passwords so she could log in and be able to make appointments for Hayden. Her job as his secretary was to make customers appointments with Mr.Fyre so that he could go over pictures of estates and hand the customer over to a realtor.

Sophia hurriedly logged into the computer and not soon after the phone next to her went off.

Her day went by in a blur, her slender fingers were sore by the end of the day from typing and her voice had gotten softer from speaking.

Not once did she see him, the man that for some reason she waited to see all day.

Not once.

Sophia, though disheartened slightly, pulled on her warm coat and gloves and made her way out into the cold and back to her lonely, icy home.

Everything is dark. Not a speck of light shines here.

Her arms are chained to some unknown location. The cuffs digging at her wrists painfully.

Out of the darkness a small ember of light makes it's way towards the prisoner. The small light illuminates the space between the prisoner and the holder of the light source. Her eyes strain in the newfound light and land on a burning gaze. Pain radiates through her body as she cries out asking why her captor would do such a thing to her. But it's no use the woman holding the light says nothing, but keeps her thin pink lips pressed into a hard line.

Her captors  burning hazel eyes water slightly but after a quick blink her eyes are back to burning holes into the prisoners very being.

"Who are you?!" Sophia screams pulling hard on the chains that bind her. Her curly auburn hair that once looked like flames, now lay matted and brown on her head. Her emerald green eyes that once shined like the grass in summer dulled to an unappealing color.

Her captors lips twitched slightly as she pulled down the hood that covered her hair. Sandy blonde locks spilled from the hood framing her captors face her hazel eyes boring into Sophia. A grin spreads across her captors slender face.

"Your very worst nightmare, Persephone."

Word count 973

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