chapter 2

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A scream echoed throughout the house and I froze; my year old self unsure what to do next. The stairs Creeped as someone came down.

I was left alone for a few minutes while my mum went to get food. The man finally reached the bottom of the stairs, a bag full of things from our house in his hands.

"Come here little girl," he sung creepy.

I backed away and I ran like I'd never done before, terrified that if I looked back I'd be dead. My mother suddenly came rushing in. The man had followed me with a knife in his other hand. Seen the side of my mother he lunged stabbing my mother and shielding me with her body.

I screamed in terror as she told me to run in a week voice as she took the knife. I didn't want to but I ran leaving my dieing mother to die.

--End of flashback--

A face suddenly appeared in front of me I screamed stumbling back, pure terror controlling me.

I woke up suddenly screaming. It was just the dream I realized. I see that memory most nights. My dad and brother don't blame me but I do. Stop bothering to check where I am and went back to sleep, pulling the covers over my head.

I woke up crowning and after a few minutes finally managed to well my eyes open. I just around the living room and found that instead of being in the living room like I expected I was playing in a black and dull green patterned bed. Nathan must have brought me here or possibly, Dad when he got home.

with difficulty I pulled myself into a sitting position on the bed and rubbed my eyes before opening them to scan the rest of the room.

The room had light gray painted walls, a small oak bedside table to my right any matching the oak dresser to the far left corner of the room. Look black and grey carpet with take and I noticed a door located near the dresser which I presume is the bathroom.

I pulled myself out of bed and put out some black jogging bottoms and a stained, old t-shirt.

I stumble to the bathroom and brush my hair and brush my teeth. Yep no makeup for me I really don't like it, it feels so fake. I pull on the clothes and head downstairs looking for Max.

I found him sleeping on the kitchen floor. As I was about to enter the room he sensed my presence and woke up excitedly wagging his tail and rushing to approach me.

I made some toast for myself and gave Max his breakfast of pedigree food which is used to feed all dogs in the Marines.
Grabbing a random hoodie from my suitcase upstairs I also grabbed Max's lead, clipped it onto his collar and walked towards the door though not before shouting,"I'M GOING FOR A RUN WITH MAX!"

After a moment I heard my dad reply,"OK!"

With that I opened the door and stepped outside. I pulled my hoodie on and turn around to close the door before setting out at a brisk jog.

Max kept up with my pace easily with his tongue hanging out as he ran beside me, his long shepherd hair flowing in the wind. I smiled down looking at him for a moment admiring that I was giving such a dog to be my partner.

I couldn't wait to take him to my new school and see their shocked faces.

You're probably thinking 'what do you mean'. Well since we are in the Marines in max needs to train to be calmer around frantic movement in loud noises. I came back to finish because I wanted to see my family and stay for a bit so my commander took the chance to try and fix Max's problem. He talked to my school and now I can take max with me there to get him used to noises and movement for the battlefield. I must continue his training but that's it.

I turned to look back where I was going and heard some whistling. I stopped and turned my head towards the sound. There's good three boys grinning widely at me. In response I rolled my eyes and continue to run with my dog.


An hour later I arrived home with Max tugging lightly at the lead to get on for some reason. I chuckled in response and knocked on the door. After a couple moments the door spun open and I was greeted by my dad.

He's an older looking version of my brother with a large smile lighting his features.

"Hey Scar," he says warmly, pulling me in a hug.

I returned his hug instantly and mumble into his shoulder, "hey dad."

"Come on in." I smile and step inside. I take off Max's lead and release him into the house.

We spent the rest of the day missing about in just enjoying each other's company.

I went to bed that night wondering what tomorrow will bring, the first day of school.

The K9 Sergeant By Dani And AlexWhere stories live. Discover now