Chapter 12

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It was now Monday Luke blew up my phone all of yesterday and last night. I didn't respond to him, me and my dad made up. There was no hard feelings between us. It was kind of unconfterable since I told him I wasn't sleeping around but we got over it. I tend to say things without thinking when I'm upset. I was not excited for today so I wore a thick strap tank top that said Bite Me on it with some dark wash jeans and my biker boots. I decided to have Max trot next to my bike as an exersize with loud noises right next to him.

"DAD I'M HEADING TO SCHOOL SEE YOU LATER" I call through the house. "K I'M WORKING A HALF DAY TODAY AND THEN I'M HEADING TO RUBY'S HOUSE SO DON'T WAIT UP I'LL BE BACK TOMARROW OH AND NATHATN WILL BE STUDYING AT A FRIENDS HOUSE " he replies. "YOU GO DAD AND TEAR THAT PUSS-" "GOOD BYE SCAR" dad yells cutting me off. I smile to myself and get on my bike. Max was doing really well, he kept pulling away and barked when I started it though. I parked my bike and headed into school with Max by my side. I ignored everyone In chemistry and did my work along with all the other classes. it was now the last class of the day which I had with rose so it wouldn't be total torcher.

"Hey Rose." I say with a smile though she doesn't look to happy. "Why didn't you tell me you and my brother dated?" she asked a little annoyed. Great. now I have this to deal with. "I wouldn't call it dating...." I replied sitting down. "What would you call it?" she asked. "hooking up" I reply simply. she gave a discusted face and asked, "k ew and still why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want to tell you hey I fucked your brother and ended things badly." she just looked at me for a min. and said, "fair" the rest of class was pretty good we were on good terms. she asked if I wanted to walk home with her but I told her that I rode here on my bike and needed to do some stuff at home. which was true I had homework and needed to change my oil on my car, but I mainly just wanted to avoid seeing Luke and his questioning.

We said our goodbyes and I drove home on my bike with Max next to me. I got my homework done and cleaned the house up. I was now working on my oil while Max chewed on a bone laying in the front yard. I saw Max look up at something then went back to chewing on his bone. "You've been avoiding me." I look up and see the one person I didn't want to see, Luke. "What do you want Luke?" I ask still working on my oil. "I want an explination." he replied. "I told you it's none of your business so go ho-" "I'm not fucking going home and I'm not leaving till I get an explination!" he said raising his voice. I finished changing my oil and slammed my hood shut.

"Luke I'm not having this conversation now I'm going in for a beer you want one or not?" I ask struggling to keep my composer. He didn't say anything just followed me inside silently. I grab two beers and hand one to him. "At least explain something to me. You were such a horn dog you would jump on me any chance you got. But now I touch some scars on your back and you flip out and immediately don't want to have sex any more why? I mean you were never self conscious about your scars before.?" he asks. "Because the scars on my back are......different." I explain. "How?" he asked calmly being patient. "That's enough Luke. I don't need to relive it..." I reply the last part more to myself than to him.

Luke sighed and then said, "I know you don't Scar but I need to know, and maybe you telling me about it will hel-" "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE A FUCKING SHRINK! YOU WANT TO KNOW SO BAD? FINE!" I yell loosing my cool while ripping off my shirt. I turn around showing him my back angry at him and there is total and utter silence. Suddenly I feel hands on my back feeling all the scars then Luke asked, "What happened?" I take in a heavy breath and decide I'm going to tell him the truth.

"It wasn't long after I got transferred off your base. We were just doing a routine patrol with a Sargent from a different base who had never seen actual combat. It was going great but out of now where we were under heavy fire. Me and the Sargent got separated from the rest of the team, were out of amo and were being approached by hostiles.The Sargent looked so scared I thought she shit her pants. I knew they would take her for information since she was a Sargent. So I switched our rank tags. I told her to stay quiet and do what they said. They came over and let her run before they started shooting at her. Thankfully she got away and only with a grazed arm and a bullet in the leg. They blindfolded me and took me to this small room and chained me to the wall." I paused looking at his face seeing if he wanted me to continue.

He looked upset but nodded for me to continue. "The whole time I was there I got one cracker and a half cup of water once a day every day. They tried everything. They beat me up, they starved me, they did some water boreding, and tried drowning me. I didn't say any thing accept fuck you and go to hell so then they tried electrocution. I screamed in pain but never gave them anything, finally they hung me by my wrists from the ceiling by metal chains. They'd come in and beat me but then they started using a whip. It was pain I hadn't felt before but I was dead set on protecting my country so I didn't say anything. They got fed up with not getting anything but to be fair I was tired of fighting I wished for death everyday for a week. Finally I thought my wish had come true he put a gun to my head, I closed my eyes, and then I heard gun shots but there wasn't one going through my skull. My team came in shot him cut me down and started carrying me out that's when I passed out. I was missing for an entire month. I had to recover for about 8 months." I finished taking a deep breath looking at his reaction.

He stared back at me with hurt eyes and then just leaned in and kissed me. He finally pulled away and said, "I think your back is beautiful thank you for telling me the story behind it." We just sat and talked for the rest of the night at some point we went up to my room and fell asleep in each others arms. I woke up to my dad yelling, "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" I look around confused and find a shirtless Luke next to me. "Relax dad we didn't fuck we just fell asleep ok?" I ask trying to calm him down. "I don't believe you." he said bluntly. "Dad go over to my trash and look in it I can bet you money their isn't a condom in their." I say trying to give proof. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN USE PERTECTION!" he yells. "No we didn't because we didn't fuck I swear we just fell asleep after talking." I say starting to get frustrated.

"and what exactly did you talk about?" he asked. "My scars on my back and where I got them. Doesn't exactly scream fuck my brains out does it?" I ask sarcasticly. "I'll call you in sick. Keep your gun in your room I don't want to see you with it elsware." he said as he left closing the door behind him. All I thought was thanks dad. "What did he mean by that?" Luke asked."After I got captured my PTSD got really bad and when I talked about it, it would get bad. He used to find me in the bathroom with my gun against my head. That's what that was about." I reply. "Oh" he said simply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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The K9 Sergeant By Dani And AlexWhere stories live. Discover now