Chapter 11

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I thought about the game me and Luke played. I kinda felt bad that I only gave him one major detail of my life but telling people about my mom or anything about me and my life is hard. The rest of the game I just kind of said little things like my favorite flower or color. Were meeting up and going to see Jack today witch isn't the smartest because it's Saterday which meant drinking, partying, and best of all racing. We're taking my baby a 1964 GTO. Luke thinks I'm just giving him a ride but I'm living in my old life for day. Plus it helps that people drool over my car and don't fuck with me.

"Hey thanks for the ride I haven't seen Jack for a while." Luke said as he hopped in. "No problem we said we would go see him together so it's really no big deal." I explain. "So where did you get this baby?" He asked admireing the car. " I built her." I answered. He looked at me shocked, "Really?" I just chuckled at his face. "Yeah really I love cars and machanics." We chit chatted the rest of the way there till we pulled up to the club house which was also Jacks house. It was a large white house that looked like a mantion.

"You ready for this?" Luke asked me. "Hell yeah. this is going to be fun." I say. I was planning on having fun and drinking while dancing my ass off. Luke hadn't payed attention to what I was wearing so when I got out he looked at me hungry. He always got this look when I wore something fitted, beings that when your on deployment you don't wear or see anything fitted on base. I was wearing a black crop top with tight leather pants and my leather jacket and black boots. "You look good." He says eyeing my body. "Thanks" I reply and start heading up to the house.

We just walk in because he never locks the door. "PAAAAA I'M HOME" I yell through the house. "SCAR?!" Jack replies coming down the spiral staircase. "Aww how'd you know it was me?" I ask with a smile as he reaches the bottom. "Only one person calls me pa and that's you baby girl." He replies as we hug. "Hey Luke how are you?" Jack asks as he turns to Luke. "Good u" He replies. "Great now that my bull dogs are here." He says making a joke. "So when did you guys get back?" He asked. "I got back a couple weeks ago" I say. "and I got back a couple days ago." Luke replied.

"So how did you two get out of the house?" Jack asked knowing I used to sneek out. "I told my dad I was hanging out with some friends and not to wait up because we were having a movie binge night." I tell him. "I just said I was staying with a friend to catch up." Luke replies relaxing on the couch. "So have you two met or something?" Jack asked eyeing us. " Remember the girl I told you about that I met at the base?" Luke asked Jack. "The fuck buddy one yeah?" Jack replied. I chuckled at that, I thought it was comical expesialy since that's what I was with him. "yeah.... well this is she" he replied. I waved and pa just looked at us shocked. Then got up and got a beer. "Sounds like I'm gonna need this" He said.

We caught up and before you knew it it was dark and time for racing. "you racing tonight baby girl?" Pa asked. "not planning on it." I reply. "so yes" Jack says with a smile. We both know I most likely will if somebody gets to big for they're britches. Racing was going great no one had bugged me until now. "Hey baby what's a girl like you doing all alone?" This random guy asked. "I'm not alone i'm with him." I reply pointing to look who didn't look amused in the slightest. Ignoring what I just said he goes " How bout' you come with me to see a real car not this hunk a' metal."

"Actually this is mine. How bout' a race?" I ask a little annoyed that he dissed my car. "your on babe looser kisses-" "the winners tire" I cut him off knowing where he was going with it. "Deal" he said looking amused. I get in my car and pull up to the starting line. "READY!" He turned to me and blew a kiss. "STEADY!" I turned my head to the road. "GO!!!!!" the flash light turns on and we go. He used his nos way to early and I used mine toward the end and won by a car and a half. "Good race" He says over the cheers and kisses my tire.

The racing was over and it was party time. We drank quite a bit but were now dancing. "you're cute when you dance!" Luke said over the music. "I could be sexy!" I reply feeling onrey. "okay lets see who goes the farthest." He says grabbing my hips. "your on" I reply. I start swaying my hips pressing my backside to him. His grip tightens and he whispers in my ear, "lets continue this somewhere else." So we left the party and went upstairs to my spare bedroom I have for when we do party.

He closes the door and locks it trying to intimidate me. He comes over and stands in front of me. He grabs my hips and leans in to kiss me. I'm not backing out so I kiss him having him sit on the bed, I straddle his lap and kiss him harder. He moves his hands to my ass and squeezes as I start moving my hands up his shirt. I take his shirt off and he starts kissing my neck. I start breathing hard but when he gets to the base of my neck I can't hold it in anymore I let out a small moan. he smiled against my skin when I pushed him down on the bed. I start messing with his pants trying to get them undone but then he moved his hands going up my back.

I get off of him imediatly and say, "You win" trying to play of the fact that he touched my scars on my back. "What happened?" He asked knowing the scars weren't there when we were together. "Nothing" I said putting on my stone eyes once more. "Bull shit Scar what happened?" He asked again. "None of your business Luke now I'm going home, it's been a couple hours since I had a drink and the alcohol has worked its way out of my system. Now do you want a ride home or what?" I ask changing the subject. He just stared at me with a mixture of anger and hurt. "lets go, we'll have this conversation tomorrow." He answers. We drove back in silence till I pulled up to his house. "You can't just keep running away from your past Scar. You need to face it-" I cut him off now a little pissed that I keep getting this lecture from everyone, "I have faced it and I still face it Luke! Now quit lecturing me and get the fuck out of my car!" "Fine! but no matter what you say we're talking about your back tomorrow." He says in a it's final voice and slams my door which just pissed me off more.

I speed off angry at him and arrive home. I enter the door and my dad is sitting there petting Max. "How was the "movie"?" dad asked giving me that look of I know what you really did. "How did you know?" I ask. "You used to sneek out and come back around this time when you were in that......phase." he answered referring to when I got in fights at school and was skipping. "Oh. I guess some things never change." I said wanting to get upstairs. "You were at a party weren't you?" "Yes I was and it was great and fun until my friend started questioning me. Now can I go to bed?" I asked in a bored tone. "This is still my house Scar and you will not go down that road again." He replied. "I'm not going down the same road I'm not getting in fights at school I'm not skipping and I'm not sleeping around any more I haven't since I got captured a year ago. No matter how much I wanted to now I'm going to bed good night." I turn and head up the stairs Max following suit. I took my pills and went to bed petting Max.

The K9 Sergeant By Dani And AlexWhere stories live. Discover now