chapter 6

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I woke up about 5 and leaned over for my PTSD pills and saw that both my sleeping and PTSD pills were gone. I looked around and they weren't in my room.

I then realized dad would be the only one to remotely get up around this hour. I walked downstairs and saw dad sitting in his chair staring into Oblivion.

"I went to wake you up to see if you wanted to get coffee and go to your mothers grave." He reached out and grabbed both pill bottles off the table then said, "Instead I saw these." He said holding them up.

"You mind explaining these?" He asked. "There nothing important." I replied plainly. "Nothing? There heavy medication pills to  be nothing. How come I didn't know about these?" He questioned.

"You didn't need to worry." I replied. "You are my daughter it's my job to worry! And if you don't explain these right now I'm gonna take you to a therapist." He said getting angry.

Now I was getting pissed off. He knows I hate shrinks. "It's none of your business now give me the pills." I said threw clenched teeth.

"Not till you explain." He said. Now I was extremely pissed. "Fine, you want to know? K I take sleeping pills or I won't go to sleep. I'll relive what I've had to see and do. I take those PTSD pills so I don't snap at certain sounds or smells. Now will you give me my good damn meds!" I yelled the last part.

He just stood there horrified with sadness and pain in his eyes. I just took the pills and downed my one med and went back upstairs.

I put the pill bottles in my drawer. I grabbed Max's lead, went downstairs, hooked him up and left ignoring dads calls for me to stop.

I had to clear my head so just ran and ran. Finally I came to a gas station and decided to say screw it. I went in to got coffee and cigarettes.

"Aren't you a little young for cigarettes?" The guy behind the counter asked. I pulled out my military ID and showed it to him. "Oh! My apologies. Thank you for your service." He said apologetically.

"It's my honor and thank you." I reply plainly. It's the usual response you give. I finally exit, drink a little coffee and grab a cigarette. I just stare at it thinking.

I haven't smoked since my mom died. I got into it again a little after my cousin Lily died but I had a dream about my mom telling me not to smoke again. And that was only after the first day I started again.

It took a lot not to smoke after that. So I became angry. I'd throw things, hit things all the time. No one ever talked to me then because I would get mad at everything and take it out on people. Not just objects.

I looked down at Max he's never seen me smoke. I decide to put it back away. I'll save it for when I need it like when my mom died.

I heard a gun shot not far away. So I ran to it. That's when I saw my dad on the ground clutching the area where his appendix would be.

I knew you could live without your appendix so I knew it would be a little bit before it became fatal. I ran after the guy while calling 911. I let go of Max's lead and got off the phone. Max pounced on the guy biting his arm.

I got to him and beat the living shit out of him. Landing punch after punch and I didn't stop when he was unconscious. Finally a police officer got to me and had to drag me about five feet before I let go of the guy.

I looked at the officer after calming down. I recognized this guy. He was one of my dad's best friend. He was there for my dad when my mom died. He kept him from drinking himself into oblivion when we weren't around.

"Well I'll be damned. I heard you were back in town." He said releasing my shoulder. "Yeah...." I reply my voice trailing off.

I look at the unconscious barley alive guy on the ground. "Hey," he said getting me to look at him. "Don't worry about your dad he'll be fine. And don't worry about this. I'll take care of it."

"I'm not worried about any of that." I said feeling guilty. "I'm mad at myself." I said. "This is all my fault." I whispered to myself. "No it's not Scar. Don't you dare blame it on your self." He said sternly.

"Ok" I simply replied because I knew he was talking about what happened with my mom and Lily.

"You want a ride to the hospital?" He questioned. "No, I think I'll just walk. Thanks." I grabbed Max's lead and left.

As I walked to the hospital I was just thinking a lot. I don't know if I'll be able to stay calm, not smoke, and not fall down that path again.

Hey guys I know sad and crazy chapter. I will open next chapter with a dream so you guys find out what happened to her cousin Lily.

The K9 Sergeant By Dani And AlexWhere stories live. Discover now