Medein Bio

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Name: Medein Kyrkos

Meaning of the name: Medein meaning to protect. Meanwhile, Kyrkos represents idealism, intuition, romance, generosity, creativity, wisdom and tolerance. I chose Kyrkos with the intent of romance and idealism, because Medein is a character who yearns for romance with his lover and is very idealistic at times about his relationship with her.

Species: Gorgon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unexplored beyond his known attractions to both Percia and you.

Description: Medein has wavy black hair with green streaks that is long enough to brush his shoulders. He rarely wears a shirt of any kind, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin, and only wears tattered looking loose leggings when he wears the bracelet and assumes a human guise, provided by the magic of said bracelet. This bracelet was gifted to him by the gods when he assisted Percia in saving those she loved, including the princess Andromeda.

Medein has a natural bronze tone to his skin, due to a combination of heritage and constant basking in the sun. His eyes are a blend of green and gold, mesmerizing for those caught in his gaze that actually somehow manage to survive.

Personality: Once he would have been described as withdrawn and easy to anger. But after meeting Percia, he became more willing to seek out company, even if only in the form of Percia herself. After she vanished from his life, he grew bitter, once again prone to anger and fits of rage.

It was only after centuries passed and you came into his life that he calmed himself again, curious about the lone human that came to his island of imprisonment with the air of someone seeking sanctuary. After finding your journal and seeing the various drawings that accompanied the strange foreign writing, his curiosity grew, desiring to learn more about what else was out there beyond the boundaries of his prison.

He is most often showering you with kindness and affection, having swiftly grown attached to the human that had become his lone connection with the outside world, seeing the beauty in you that others might miss. He basks in the warmth of your smiles much as he would the sun, memorizing the curve of your lips and the shape of your eyes. His eyes worship the way you move as you walk and his ears the sound of your voice when you speak, much as he used to worship at the shrines of his chosen gods and goddesses in ancient times long past.

You have become his chosen one, his living goddess, and he would do anything to keep you close to him forever, even if only to see your smile each morning when he wakes and to hear you whisper sweet nothings each night before he sleeps. Each kiss would be a blessing from you and he could only pray at your feet that you would continue to bless him so.

Favorite things: He has come to adore the variety of foods from the port town's market, Souvlaki (a dish of grilled pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables on a skewer) being his second favorite after the discovery of Loukoumades (Fried balls of dough drenched in honey with cinnamon) which had captured his favor after you brought some to his island during one of your frequent visits. For a more commonplace treat, he rather enjoys grapes, especially when he can convince you to eat the ones he offers to you with a smile upon his lips.

He never used to care about one color over another but has grown to adore the color of your eyes over all other colors, spending hours at night as he lays awake on his bedding wondering what words would be able to do justice to such a beauteous color. If eyes are truly the window to the soul, he can only wonder how he can become worthy of seeing a soul as perfect as the one reflected in your own eyes.

He enjoys learning about the changes that have been made in the world since his entrapment, especially when it means he gets to have your full attention upon him as you point out pictures of places and things he had never even imagined to exist before.

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