Ninth Drabble - Jinx

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"Gah, why the heck do we need to have fans like that? Why can't they just listen to the music and leave?!" He growled, pacing about the back room a few times before nearly throwing himself onto the couch. "I hate when they try and touch me like that! What are they doing? Checking for ripeness? I'm not a freakin' fruit!"

Rolling her eyes, Nadia moved over to sit on the arm of the couch, slowly running her fingers through the Siren's hair in an effort to get him to relax. "If you were a fruit, you would probably be too sour for them. Better you are yourself, at least your looks will keep them coming back and paying to watch us perform, even if your personality sucks."

It was the mischievous smirk on the Basilisk's face that told Jinx she was just kidding around, as usual, even if there was some truth to her words. It didn't mean he had to admit to it. He was fabulous just the way he was and if the fans couldn't see that or couldn't see the real him, then he didn't need them.

The band had been fine before those fans came along, they would be find if they left, too. Who needed fans that only stayed as long as the band was "popular" with the crowd? He'd rather have the fans that had been there from the start and would stay there to the end. Those were real fans, not the ones who treated them like a fashion accessory, only worth keeping while it was still an active fad.

"Oh gods, that feels good..." he nearly moaned as he felt his body relax, Nadia's fingers replaced with the soft bristles of the brush that Daymein brought over.

The Banshee went to work, slowly untangling the knots that had appeared in Jinx's hair over the course of the evening. It had become normal for the two to share duties at keeping the male calm when he became stressed, one brushing his hair while the other saw to the other chores that needed to be done, from acquiring food to putting away the instruments for the night.

"Maybe we should get someone to help find better places to play, someplace where the audience can't reach the stage quite so easily?" Daymein suggested quietly, hoping that this time Jinx would listen to him, but realizing it was most likely futile as always.

"Why should we pay someone to do that when we can just play here? If the humans get too close, I'll just shove 'em away!" The scowl on Jinx's face grew with each word until he was almost snarling by the end.

"You know you can't do that, Jinx! They'll kick us out if we cause any more trouble here!" Nadia shouted from where she was putting away the last of her drums, having made quick work of removing everything from the stage. "The owner told you that a couple weeks ago when you got in a fight near the bar. When that girl tried to cop a feel, remember?"

Rubbing a hand over his eyes with a frown, the male sat up, pulling his hair away from Daymein in the process. "Nadia, why did you have to remind me of that? Now I feel all gross. I'm gonna go take a shower and try to forget that ever happened. Again."

The two watched as he stormed from the room, the female sighing before getting back to her work as the male stared wistfully at the closed door for a bit before going to order food.

"Sometimes I wonder how we all stayed together for so long, but then I remember that we are the only ones who can stand being around each other for more than a few hours!" Daymein let out a chuckle, grabbing the small pile of takeout menus and shuffling through them.

"Hey! Anyone want pizza? Or should we order from that chinese place down the street again? You know, the one with the dumplings!"

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