Jinx Bio

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Name: Jinx

Species: Siren

Gender: Male

Job: Backup singer/songwriter for his band, he also plays bass

Sexuality: N/A at this time

Description: Jinx has exceptionally long hair that he tends to change the color of (with the help of his bandmates, mostly Nadia) often. One week it might be neon green, the next ocean blue, and a few weeks after that it might end up blood red with streaks of purple. It all depends on how bored he is with the current color and what color catches his eye at the moment. Sometimes he will change it to match the feeling of his current work-in-progress song, however, and those are the ones that tend to have a lot of colors woven through his hair.

Incomplete description. More will be added later.

Personality: Jinx could easily be described as a tsundere. He does not give his heart easily, be it in friendship or love, and when someone does finally earn his affection he has a hard time admitting it. Even harder is actually getting him to show it in an easily recognizable way. Often, it would be shown as him finding it easier to go to that person when he needs to complain and wants someone who will actually listen to him and not just nod as they go about whatever they were doing. He would seek them out for advice, ask their opinion on things that might seem trivial to most, but he would hope they would take the time to think about their answer. And if they do, they just took one more step closer to gaining his trust.

Favorite things: Music has been the driving force for Jinx to continue moving forward in life, even after he lost the compulsion his voice once carried as a Siren. It was music that brought him and his bandmates together over the past several decades, but it was only in the past decade or so that they found the style of music that felt right for them and they began to play in various parks and fairs. It was only a few years ago that they found a more steady gig at a local club, even if it wasn't exactly the biggest and best club in the city. It was a step up and that gave the band the desire to keep moving up in the music world, igniting their desire to be something more than what they had started as. Finally, they began seeing their music as something more than just an escape from their pasts.

Hobbies: Jinx's number one favorite hobby is having his hair played with, be it having someone he trusts brush his hair, braid it, or just run their fingers through it for as long as they are willing. He finds it very relaxing and sometimes it is the only way he can calm himself down enough to fall asleep.

Another hobby he enjoys is writing songs for the band, although he has several written that nobody else has seen, often due to how personal the song is to him. There are some he has been working on for decades that are still unfinished and he is honestly unsure if he will ever find the right words to complete them, but he still brings them out from time to time and goes over them making small changes here and there, constantly improving what he can. The number of songs he has completed and allowed the band to use is small, but his bandmates understand and respect the reason behind him sharing so few.

Jinx also spends hours each week searching for songs from other bands. He does this for multiple reasons, including just to see what is out there and what he might enjoy listening to in his downtime. But he also does this to search for new songs for the band to cover when they are not singing their own limited number of original songs. So don't be shocked if you hear them playing songs both from the top 100 list and ones that tend to be found mostly in the playlists of fringe groups and social outcasts. After all, who better to understand the feelings in such songs than someone who hides his true self from the world, even when standing on stage?

History: Although he normally would have had a decently long lifespan as a Siren, his has stretched far longer than it should have due to an incident in history. Of course, he was "asleep" for most of it, but even so, he has seen more than his fair share of years pass since waking up again.

This bio is incomplete and will be added to over time.

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