First Drabble - Ashe

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He wandered the streets, eyes passing over the few humans around him as if he didn't even see them. Instead, he found himself raising his eyes to the darkened sky above as he saw things that humans couldn't even see with their telescopes. Stars forming from clouds of gas while others vanished and would not be missed for centuries to come, galaxies colliding slowly as millennia passed, worlds being born as others die off in a variety of explosions and implosions, it was an endless dance that he often found himself watching with what little interest he had left in his eternal existence.

He had long ago grown bored of humanity, tired of seeing them sink into new depths of cruelty, finding new ways to kill each other off by the thousands, sickened with watching them desecrate sites that were once held sacred. No, he'd had enough of human cruelty, even to the point of ignoring the things they did that humans considered amazing.

Curing cancer? So what, they still came to him in the end, be it sooner or later. A few extra years or decades didn't make a difference to him. Some new form of a crop that would feed the starving? As if those in power would actually give it away so freely instead of charging for it until the ones they helped were worse off than before. It was no different than ancient times when conquering nations claimed to be bettering the places they took over, meanwhile bringing back slaves to work the jobs nobody else wanted to do.

No, the good humans tried to do was always outbalanced by the evils they couldn't seem to escape from. It was human nature as much as death was his own nature and it was just as inescapable for them. Humanity was a plague upon this world and he was only regretful that he did not have the option to wipe them all out at once instead of having to wait until their time was up. At least the clothing was interesting these days, far better than the stuffy things they had worn last time he really paid attention.

Sticking his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket, Ashe turned his eyes back to the world around him as he turned down a darkened alley, the scent of blood thick in the air as he walked past a small child holding her bleeding arm as she stared at the dying man laying on the ground.

The child would never notice the dark figure pass in front of her, never saw him pull out a piece of darkened wood, and could never hear the words he said to himself in such a bored tone.

"Time to get back to work, it seems. How boring."

Neither would she be able to see the cold look he gave the man as he passed the wood over the wound before pulling on it like he was a fisherman pulling in his catch. After all, he was Death and no human could see or hear him until they were reaped by his hand.

"What a foolish thing to have died for. All you did was delay the inevitable"

He knew this so well that never noticed the child's startled eyes glance around before the child turned and ran, arm still bleeding as she stumbled around the corner and hurried her way back home.

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