Eighth Drabble - Rae

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"It's absolutely unfair how you can look so good in both skirts and slacks, Rae. Ahh, but at least I get to be the one to make them for you," Rae heard the young female say, her voice soft and wistful as she spoke.

"Sweetie, I couldn't imagine finding anyone else with your eye for fashion. Not to mention your ability to put up with me, what with all that I put you through," they said with a grin, their ebony eyes shining with mischief, even as they wondered how she would look if she wore one of the amazing dresses she often made for her customers.

"Well, it isn't like I can't just jab you with a needle if you get too outrageous to handle," she said with a laugh. "Besides, you've only managed to overstep that boundary once and I don't think it was on purpose. You just didn't know where I'd drawn my lines yet."

That was true, it had taken time to learn what the female would and would not allow when Rae felt playful, remembering the one time they had pushed too far and she reached out and pushed them away after crowding too close into her personal space as a joke. It had made them think for a while before realizing that they didn't like the idea of her pushing them away and so instead of playing pranks on her, they spent more time trying to make her feel comfortable around them.

The first time she allowed them to hug her, it had put a rare honest smile onto their face, one that for once reached their eyes. Of course, it wasn't much longer before they found themselves smiling around her often, sharing small jokes and learning more about each other. Soon, she was the only one they were going to for any clothing besides the casual cargo pants and colorful t-shirts they wore. But all of their dressier clothing was her's, from slacks to skirts to dresses. And once they realized she made jewelry as well... Well, a fair chunk of their money went to the unique earrings and bracelets she made when she had the materials.

As the weeks turned to months and the months into years, Rae realized they were starting to see the young woman as potentially more than just a friend. Maybe, just maybe she might be able to look at them as something more as well?

"Rae, if you ever find the right person for you, promise me you'll wear this on one of the dates! I swear you look good enough I almost want to ask you out myself, if not for the fact I know you would be far too much a handful for me to keep up with you even if I did have the time!" The words caused them to sputter, something they would ever refuse to admit to having done, but how else could they react to the words she'd just stated so easily? "Leave the slacks in the usual spot when you are done changing. I'll finish the seams tonight and have it ready by the time you return this weekend. Payment as per usual?"

As she left the room, they could only quietly mumble to themself "I could behave for you, if you gave me a chance, sweetie... But would you really want someone like me?"

Hearing the door close, they forced a smile they didn't quite feel onto their face and shouted out, "Payment as per usual, yes, of course! And you know you love me, (y/n)! Someday, you'll admit it! Maybe if you're lucky, I'll let you hold my hand for a bit!"

Letting out laughter they didn't feel, the soon dropped any pretenses and allowed their shoulders to slump, slowly shrugging the clothing off as they changed back into the clothing they had arrived in before whispering to themselves.

"I would let you hold my hand, my friend, for as long as you wanted to. Because you're already holding my heart. Why stop there?"

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