Eleventh Drabble - Medein

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"Are you ready?" I asked, gazing at the blindfolded man who had stolen my heart over half a year ago.

I was eager to see his response to seeing them with his own eyes, remembering the awe that had been on his face when he had seen them on my camera all those months ago as he scrolled through the images that had filled the SD card.

"I am ready to see what you hide, yes," he spoke softly, almost a whisper as he smiled in my direction, reaching an arm out until he found my elbow before slowly trailing his fingers down until they could curl around my own fingers. "Always ready to see if is with you.

The past few months of lessons with my parents had greatly improved his speech, although there would always be areas where he stumbled, more due to the idea behind a word than the word itself. After all, the world had changed so much while he'd been trapped on that island, leaving him with century upon century of advancements to catch up with. And he'd been doing amazingly well thus far, the culture shock having finally faded into an almost non-existent thing.

Reaching forward, I slowly took the blindfold off with my free hand and turned to point at the far side of the lake glimmering under the stars. Hearing the hum of confusion from Medein, I grinned and kept watching the far shore.

"What am I-," he began before being drowned out by a burst of explosions, fireworks bursting into existence before being so quickly extinguished, only to be replaced with more as Medein's jaw dropped.

Feeling his hand squeeze mine as he took a step forward, I took my own step and pressed against his side, my gaze shifting from the familiar bursts of light to his face as I watched the fireworks reflecting in his eyes. Watching sights that, although they were beautiful in their own way, were far too familiar and easy to find to ever be able to compare to the emotions that shifted upon his face with every new experience. How could simple lights in the sky ever compare to the wonder that filled his eyes? How could they even hope to match the almost childlike innocence that lit up his face with joy? No, I would rather see the smile spreading slowly upon his lips than watch all the fireworks shows in the world.

"I love you so much, Medein. So very much," I whispered, my voice carrying in the sudden quiet before the next cluster of fireworks suddenly filled the air, the explosions echoing across the water.

Turning his head to look down at me, Medein leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against my lips.

"Then I am the most blessed person in the world right now, as all I shall ever need or desire is that which you give so freely to me," he whispered against my ear, one hand trailing down to rest upon my stomach. "Even if I will have to share you eventually."

'Don't worry, you still have me to yourself for another six or seven months," I laughed as I watched his eyes grow wide. I knew tonight would be the perfect opportunity to surprise him.

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