Seventh Drabble - Ashe

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He watched as the small child chased after yet another of his shadows, clapping happily when they almost caught it before it vanished back into the mass that writhed at his feet, wide eyes looking in his general direction regardless of the fact that he was hidden from the sight of most humans. As soon as the gaze began focusing on his location, he gave a gentle sigh and felt his form fall away to reveal that which the child believed so strongly in. Nephthys, the goddess of the dead in Egypt, stood before the young boy's eyes, a smile appearing on the child's face as the female looked down at him.

Ashe still felt a hint of wonder when the child, instead of running in fear of the being before him as so many would have done, ran up to hug the now familiar form before pulling back and making the motion now easily understood to mean "up". Leaning forward, 'Nephthys' put her hands under the boy's arms and lifted him as she stood, finally coming to rest on her hip as she peered curiously at the innocent child she held.

You are so different from the rest. Don't you fear me? Do my shadows not frighten you? Are you not cold from being near me, let alone from my touch? Why do you follow me?

Those thoughts and more ran through his mind every time Ashe came to watch the boy, his curiosity always pulling him back to Egypt, regardless of how many shadows he had to send off to collect the souls he should have been reaping himself. It wasn't as if it made that much difference, sending off ten shadows or a hundred. People were always dying. Sometimes a war required him to send thousands of shadows out. And yet this child simply saw them as things to play with and chase about.

He just hoped he would not ever have to reap this child early, this small one who made his chest feel warm whenever the boy snuggled against him as he wore the form of Nephthys. No, he wouldn't reap this child until they had lived a long, full life. But when the time did come, he promised himself that it would be no shadow that came for him. Ashe would come himself.

But for now, he would enjoy this odd warmth the child named Kohmus brought him and bask in the presence of one who saw him but did not fear him.

Of Note - For those of you wondering who Kohmus is, he belongs to AssassinPsyche who has generously allowed me to share my story world/universe with her. And yes, I consider this generous of her, since in doing so, she has helped my stories to grow and my boys to thrive. Kohmus is from Sands of Time, one of the many wonderful stories she has and is creating from the universe our stories share. Other books that share the same general universe from her include Between the Stars, The Line, Sunrays and Moonbeams, and Eternally Yours. There shall be more in time, but these are the ones that are currently available. The ones in bold are completed works, btw.

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