Sixth Drabble - Medein

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He watched as the small boy stumbled forward, his arms held out as he frowned down at the ground in front of him.He couldn't help the grin that curved his lips upward, one arm reaching forward to help steady the child before releasing him to try again.

"It's okay, it takes time to get used to using your legs," he spoke gently, seeing the frustration forming on the boy's face. After all, the boy had only recently learned how to change from tail to legs.

"Why?" The boy pouted, grabbing onto the couch as soon as he managed to totter close enough.

Medein almost dreaded that word, which had quickly become a favorite for his son. No matter how many times (y/n) reminded him that it was just a phase while children tried to figure out how the world around them worked, if didn't make it any easier to answer the unending question of why.

Why was the sky blue? Why was snow cold? Why was the earth round? Why did Daddy have scales and not Mommy? Why couldn't Mommy grow a tail? Why could Mommy make the shadows move sometimes? Why did Daddy hide when Mommy made the shadows dance? Why did Uncle Ashe smile when Mommy danced with the shadows?

How was he supposed to answer all those questions? Some of them were things he hadn't even learned himself yet, the 'science' of the world having advanced greatly in the centuries he had been stuck on that island. Others were things that were still new, even to (y/n).

After all, it wasn't every day that you found out you were related, even if very distantly, to an ancient family that had once been blessed by the gods. That the blessing meant you were connected to Death, even if somewhat distantly. That in becoming immortal as she had, that the blessing was strengthened in her.

But mostly, why did his son have to call Death by the title of Uncle Ashe?

"Daddy, why is Uncle Ashe smiling like that?"

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