human again.

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Tonight was the night of the high school prom and I was a chaperone. I mean, it beats staying in on a Saturday night. On the bright side, I got to sleep in, unlike last week. I had a while before I had to get ready so I decided to have breakfast with June.

"Haley, you are going to look absolutely stunning tonight!" I chuckled at her remark.

"Thank you, June. I'm looking forward to seeing what dresses the girls are wearing. Apparently, last year, a lot of them wore red."

"Well, what color is your dress?"

"It's white. It's simple and that's all that matters. No one will be looking at me unless they need something."

June glances up at me, a smile on her face. "Are you going to need any help getting ready? You know that Cindy and I could help you!" She exclaimed.

"If you want to help me, you're more than welcome to." June's whole face lit up.

"Oh! I'm so excited!" I was more than happy to have June and her granddaughter help me get ready. All was fine, and then I remembered that the heist was going down on Wednesday. A sudden burst of nervousness came over me. "What are you thinking about, dear?"

I snapped out of my thoughts, making eye contact with June. "I'm nervous for Wednesday."

June let out a sigh, her hand resting on top of mine. "It's okay, I am, too. Don't worry about that tonight, you're going to prom!" I laughed and shook my head. "Who is your date?"

"I don't have one." I shrugged. "I'm just a chaperone."

"You should!"

"It's not like I'm going to be doing any dancing anyway, I'm just watching."

"As long as you have fun, darling, that's all that matters."


As I put in my earrings, there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it, Neal standing there with a basket.

"Wow, you look beautiful." He greets.

"Aw, thank you, Neal. Not that I'm not happy that you're here, but what are you doing here?" I asked, welcoming him inside.

"This basket is for you." He told me as he passed it to me.

"Oh, well now I'm compelled to open it." I laughed as I placed it on the kitchen counter. "Before I open this, is there anything illegal in here?" I joke, watching his face change into one of annoyance. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I know you'd never." I nudge him before carefully opening it to see a bunch of cookies inside. "What is this for?" I looked up at him, a big smile on my face.

"It's a thank you basket. Thank you for looking over the contract for me, and thank you for everything you've done for me over the years."

"You didn't have to do that."

"I did. There's more." I watched as he pulled a corsage out of his coat pocket. "I'm taking you to prom."

"Did June tell you?" Neal simply smirked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe." He took my hand and gently put the corsage on. "I didn't go to prom so why not go with you?" I felt my cheeks heat up, making me look down at the floor.  I attempted to hide my face with my free hand. "Is somebody blushing?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're blushing! I made Haley Cooper blush, that's a first." That wasn't a first, but he doesn't know that. "What do ya say, Cooper? Go to prom with me?"

There's No Way ✧ Neal CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now