my wish.

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It was a Sunday morning in October and this morning I made the decision to go on a run

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It was a Sunday morning in October and this morning I made the decision to go on a run. The weather was still surprisingly nice, and there was usually someone running with me.

"Haley!" I stop and look to see if I can find who called my name, my eyes eventually landing on Mozzie.

"Hey, Moz. How'd you find me?" I grabbed my leg to stretch it, waiting for him to continue.

"Neal told me you go running through the park on Sunday mornings."

"So what's up?"

"I wanted to apologize. It took me by surprise when Neal said he was giving up the life. I guess I didn't want it to be true. I didn't mean to be rude to you, and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"No worries. I get it, he's your friend and I know you guys met that way. He's never going to turn you in or stop being friends with you, Mozzie. He cares about you." Mozzie gave a small smile, his eyes glancing down at the ground. "I know I've been with him a lot, but if you ever want to hang out with him, let me know. I promise you, I won't be offended." I chuckled.

"Thanks, Haley."

"Of course."

"You know, he really loves you...more than Rebecca, more than Sara, more than Alex, and probably more than Kate."

"And how do you know that?" I asked, amused.

"Just by the way he looks at you." I smiled at his remark.

"You're his best friend, Mozzie. No one can replace you." He shrugged. "Yeah, Neal and I are somewhat best friends but it isn't in the same way you two are. Think of it this way, your friendship with Neal is like my friendship with Savannah. He's lucky to have you."


"How's the painting coming, Picasso?" I asked as I walked in

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"How's the painting coming, Picasso?" I asked as I walked in. I looked at the canvas in front of him. "Ooh, van Gogh!" Neal rested his palette down, leaning back in his chair.

"I'm not sure if I like it." I rested my hands on the back of his chair, looking at the painting over his shoulder.

"Neal, it looks good." He had painted the starry night background with Snoopy asleep on top of his doghouse in the foreground. "I love it."

There's No Way ✧ Neal CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now