ghost of you.

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Spoiler alert: the woman in the house ended up being Sara's sister

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Spoiler alert: the woman in the house ended up being Sara's sister. Neal decided maybe it would be best if we sat together and talked about what happened and find out if her sister coming back with us to the U.S.

I sat across from Neal, my mind somewhere else. Sure, the current conversation was anything but boring, but I couldn't help but think.

"So why did you run? You were only 18 at the time." Neal asked, the flame illuminating his face.

"My ex-boyfriend at the time was both physically and verbally abusive. I had told him that I wanted to end things, and he didn't like that. He threatened to hurt me so I left. I wasn't sure what would have happened if I stayed. I knew he wasn't bold enough to hurt my family, but he wouldn't hesitate going after me. Even after 20 years, it still makes me nervous to go back there."

"Did you ever think about calling your family to tell them about what was going on?"

Sara's sister nodded. "Of course there were points where I thought about that, but he was smart. He knew how to hack things and he covered his tracks well. I thought about writing letters but I knew he'd probably check the mailbox. It seemed easiest to disappear off the grid and make a new life for myself somewhere else."

"Living off the grid is the best choice." Mozzie stated, raising his wine glass.

"Would you go back with us?" I questioned.

"If there was a way to make sure he couldn't hurt me or my loved ones, I would in a heartbeat. I've missed New York." I glanced at Neal, his eyes already on me. It's like he had some sort of radar that could tell something was up. I hated how good he was. He motioned to an area a few feet away from everyone else. I got up and walked over, standing in front of him.

"What's going on?" Maybe I could lie about it.

"It's nothing. Just a long day, that's all."

"Hales, you're staring at the ground, barely listening the conversation, something is up."

"Neal, I appreciate you looking out for me, really, I do. I just really don't want to talk about it now, okay? I promise I'll talk to you about it at some point." He still had a worried expression on his face, but decided that it was best to drop it. "Come on, let's join them for a little bit before we call it a night. We have a long day tomorrow."



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There's No Way ✧ Neal CaffreyWhere stories live. Discover now