Chapter 7- Oni Attack

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3rd Person's POV

The limo was driving home, the girl's talking about things when suddenly the limo abruptly stops and swnding them forward.

"What happened?" Jiyeon asked their driver.

"Oni's, Your Highness" Akuma answered, alerting them. They pulled their weapons out and got out.

Jaira has a scythe, Jaihee has a bow, Jiyeon a sword and Kookie a twin blade.

Jaira has a scythe, Jaihee has a bow, Jiyeon a sword and Kookie a twin blade

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(Jaira's scythe)

(Jaira's scythe)

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(Jaihee's bow)

(Jiyeon's sword)

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(Jiyeon's sword)

(Kookie's double twin blade)

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(Kookie's double twin blade)

There was at least 8 of them. Jaira nodded at her sisters, running towards two of them like her sister's.

Slashing through one of them in half. Kookie let flew one of her blades. Jiyeon's stabs one of them and Jaihee stayed standing releasing her arrow. The four of them killed one each.

"4 killed 4 to go" Jiyeon said while running and killing her last enemy her sister's doing the same.

"Welp 8 down 0 to go" Jaihee saud giggling, Jaira chuckled, Kookie laughed softly and Jiyeon cackled.

They hid their weapons and in a snap of Jaira's fingers the Oni's dead body started to dissappear into ashes to the sky, evaporating.

They entered their limo again their driver and chauffuer greeting and congratulating them.

"Well done My Lady" Akuma said. Starting to drive home once again.

"Yes indeed Your Highness" Sal-Inja commented like Akuma did.

Kookie giggled, Jaira smiled, Jaihee chuckled and Jiyeon thanked the two.

After a few minutes no one talked, just stayed silent.

"Never knew ride home was this dangerous" Jiyeon said giggling slightly.

"Yup indeed" Jaihee agreed.

"Well never going out just us then" Jaira said looking from the window ro her sister's.

"Yeah like really" Kookie said and they went silent and then they laughed all the way home, having fun and talking about nonsense like they're experience, their hyungs, practice and voice practice.


Hiii!!!!! Guys I updated but its short cause I'm lazy rn and tired so yeah sorry y'all.

Well imma yeet myself outta the window.


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