Chapter 8 - Plot Twist

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3rd Person's POV

The girls finally and really arrived home safe. Obvi the Queen must always go out first (Jaira) she got out then Jiyeon then Jaihee and the last but not the least Kookie with, ofcourse their belongings with them. They bowed to their driver as a sign of Thank you.

"What a tiring day" Jaihee said stretching her arms.

"A tiring day it is" Jiyeon agreed while picking up their shopping bags and walking a head of them.

"Wonder how the hyungs are doing" Kookie said curiously.

"Have they finished the plan or not yet" Jaihee also wondered.

"I am guesing theu already did finish, you know them" Jaira answered.

"Yup, fast and furious but impatient" Jiyeon said, chuckling softly at the end.

"We are here" Kookie cheered upon arriving to the front door of their mansion/kingdom.

Jaira put her thumb on the thing that identifies handprint (I seriously dont know what its called), after 5 seconds the device beeped, turning green and the automatic bulletproof, fireproof and attack proof armoured door opened.

They entered and a robot greeted them upon arriving.

"Welcome home Young Ladies" the robot, Tau greeted.

"Thank you Tau" Jaira greeted back politely.

"Where are the hyungs, Tau" Jiyeon asked putting their shopping bags down.

"In the meeting room Young Lady, they are waiting for your arrival" Tau answered.

"May you lead the way Tau?" Jaihee asked while Tau obediently led them to the said meeting room.

They arrived a couple of hallways and stairs later, okay maybe 15 hallways and 10 staircases to be honest with y'all.

"Here we are Young Ladies" Tau said standing beside the door that leads to the meeting room.

"Thank you Tau" Kookie thanked Tau where Tau bowed and left to do his thing.

Kookie pulled out a black and gold card from her pocket then faced it to a scanner (those things that scan like a special card) and like earlier the automatic doors opened.

They entered the room, the door closing behind them. Kookoe almost fainted on the look of their hyungs serious, cool but relaxed not a hint of playfulness in their eyes just blank which also scared her (Kookie) but still wants to faint and fell in love more, all the same time.

(A/N: Here is a little gift for all of you)

(A/N: Here is a little gift for all of you)

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