Chapter 2-Rumor Hath It

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Discord's laughter had continued to ring out through the throne room…and continued…and continued…and continued….

"Okay, it's been fifteen minutes now," an impatient Rainbow Dash announced with a scowl and an eye roll, flying up in the air near him. "You can stop laughing, Discord. Really."

Discord, however, just continued to convulse in hilarity. He shook his head at her, trying to get out some words in reply. "N-No, c-can't! It's priceless! Celestia…me…DATE!" He laughed heartily some more. "Ooo, before we go I'll slip a note into her throne room—'Celestia, do you like me, check yes, no, or maybe!' Ha!" He twisted in the air in further amusement. "Oh, I hope I don't get her back from the gala past curfew!" More warm laughter burst from him. "Oh, do…do you think…okay, wait, this is a good one…do you think she's old enough for her first formal dance with a boy—maybe we should wait another thousand years!" He lost it and was consumed with laughter again. "DATE! Celestia and I on a date! At a pony gala! Black tie and ball gowns, oh that is rich!" His laughter barely started to calm down a little as he wiped a tear from his eye and managed at least to settle into a normal position in the air now.

Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy had all just been watching him curiously at first, though at this point they almost couldn't help smiling a little themselves. Pinkie Pie had practically been laughing along with Discord for a while now, just enjoying the warm, happy experience of the whole thing.

Rarity, however, had remained quite serious and quite overcome by the shock of this social development of the century which she had witnessed. And she was stunned by how flippantly her friends and especially Discord were handling it. "Of course it's a date, Discord!" she announced, holding up a hoof. "You must realize that. Think about any other formal dates you've been on—have any of them started any differently than this? A special somepony expressing a desire for some private time with you in a traditional setting?"

Discord wiped another tear from his eye and was finally under control enough to start responding in full sentences. He waved Rarity off. "Oh, I've never 'formally dated' before." He made air quotes around the term, but then he blinked, realizing what he had just admitted. He cleared his throat and tried to look a little bored now. "Er, listen, what's your point?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "Celestia just asked me to keep her entertained for a night because we're friends and because she doesn't want to get bored now that she has some free time at the gala. Besides which, last I checked, she hadn't yet completely lost that flowing-rainbow-hair-covered little mind of hers." He rolled his eyes. "Believe me, I spent a good long while long ago trying to break that mare's perfect poise and piece of mind, but her sanity is more uncrackable than the stone she encased me in for a thousand years. She's nowhere near off enough to even consider actually going out on a date with ME!" He turned his head and flew away from the circle of thrones a little.

Fluttershy frowned and couldn't help speaking up. "Discord, I think you'll make a very nice companion for Celestia for the evening as a date or an escort or a friend or anything else."

Twilight smiled as supportively as she could manage and added some words of encouragement too. "If anyone can show you around the party and help you fit in, it's Princess Celestia. I'm…sure she made the right and best decision, inviting you to go with her."

Rarity, meanwhile, was stuck on another issue entirely. Her eyes went wide again and her head turned as she continued to look to Discord. "What do you mean you've never formally dated?"

A deep sigh left both Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash, and they spoke at the same time in tones of exasperation. "Rarity, not this again…" Each girl closed her eyes and put a hoof to her temple.

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