Chapter 28-Surprising Guests

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"Okay then, Celestia..." Twilight Sparkle smiled as she stood in Celestia's bedroom doorway magically holding up a clipboard and proceeded to mark off items on a checklist with a quill, "I think we have everything Luna wanted. The staff is almost done making four dozen cupcakes frosted in the colors of each of the princesses, we have two full barrels of fizzy cider, the popcorn replication spell is ready to go, we have half a dozen big pillows in the ballroom for sleeping and pillow fights, the costume trunk is already down there too for dress up, and Luna's put in a take-out order for all of our favorite foods-hay burgers and fries for you, Saddle Arabian spicy curry for her, and pizza with extra daisies for Cadance and me." Twilight looked up from her list and smiled sheepishly. "That was always our favorite thing to order whenever she would foalsit me."

Princess Celestia laughed softly as she finished magically laying a few blankets onto her back. "It all sounds wonderful, Twilight." She walked around her bed to join her former faithful student. "So, are Discord and Spike already over at the Apple's farm for their own little get-together?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "Discord left with Spike to head over there about an hour before I left for Canterlot. I asked Spike if he wanted me to come with them to see him off, but Discord said something about it being a guys night, emphasis on the 'no pony princesses', and then he flew out the window with Spike on his back." She sighed, rubbing her temple. "I just hope he makes sure Spike gets something healthy to eat for dinner and at least a little rest tonight. He is still pretty young by dragon standards, after all."

Celestia laughed softly. "Oh I'm sure he'll take good care of Spike, Twilight. Discord's very good with children."

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Celestia noticed and explained. "I saw him with Pumpkin and Pound Cake once. He managed to make his chaos very nurturing." She lightly cleared her throat. "Anyway, it's so nice Spike and Discord are making such a strong connection. I think their friendship will be very good for both of them."

Twilight nodded, blushing slightly. "Oh, uh...yeah, I think so too."

There was silence for a moment.

Then Twilight made her clipboard and quill disappear, and swallowed. "Princess Celestia? I..."

"Knock, knock!" A familiar (chaotic) voice suddenly announced from just out in the hall. "Tia, one of the guards told me you might be here. Do you have a second?"

Twilight watched as Celestia's eyes went wide for a moment, but then she blinked a few times and nodded. "Oh, Discord...Yes, I'm here!" she called out as she trotted into the hall.

Floating there was the master of chaos of course, and he smirked as he laid eyes on her. "Oh good, so glad to see you haven't started your slumber party yet. I wanted to have a quick word with you about Ca-" And then the chaos master noticed Twilight exit Celestia's room just behind the sun princess. Discord's eyes went wide, and a slight blush came to his features. "Oh, Twilight-hello." He cleared his throat and resumed his normal smug smile and tone. "Just popping in for some attention from Celestia." He held out his talon to glance at it. "Anyway, Tia dear, could I possibly have a word with you in private...about a certain somepony?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, of course, Discord." She blinked and then looked behind her, recalling Twilight.

Twilight smiled and stepped back. "Oh,'s all right." She magically levitated the blankets off of Princess Celestia's back and onto her own. "I think I'll bring these downstairs. Have a good night, Discord. And I'll see you soon, Celestia." And then she trotted away.

"Toodles, Twilight!" The chaos master waved to her. As soon as the friendship princess rounded the corner, he landed before Celestia and shrugged with a small smile. "Sorry for interrupting your preparations. But I know we don't have much time before our evenings start."

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