Chapter 13-A Night(mare) Meeting

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"Okay, Spike, I've closed up the castle gates for the night, I have everything packed, and I've already set things up with Applejack so that you can spend the night at one of the spare rooms at Sweet Apple Acres…since I'm going to my night meeting slumber party with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tonight!" Twilight beamed and trotted in place in her library (her saddlebag already slung over her back) as she found herself with a chance to say yet again out loud that she was going to a princess slumber party at the Canterlot castle this evening! Her trotting ceased with a little jump in the air, and then she magically made a checklist appear before. "I think that's everything. Do you need any help packing for the night, Spike?" She glanced to her dragon companion.

Spike smiled at her but shook his head. "No, I've got everything together already." He pulled up a large satchel from the floor and opened it to reveal many little shining precious stones. "See, snacks. And then I just have to grab my toothbrush and I'm good." He sighed with a dreamy pout, closing the satchel and moving it over his shoulder. "I still don't understand why I couldn't have stayed over at Rarity's though instead."

Twilight smiled warmly and made her checklist disappear. "Because Rarity is very busy finishing up all of the outfits for everypony for the Gala and needs privacy so that everything will be as much of a surprise as possible. Besides, she doesn't have any room for you at the Carousel Boutique, but Applejack has plenty of space at the farm." Twilight leaned her head down to Spike, smiling more. "And Applejack said Rainbow Dash is over there right now helping her harvest apples so she can try out some new pie recipes tomorrow morning, and that you'd be welcome to help them bake and to be an official taste tester."

Spike instantly beamed and licked his lips. "Really? All right! Oh hey," he dashed off toward the library exit, "Let me grab some emerald chips then—they always go great on pie!" He was already out the door and around the corner.

Twilight just looked after him with a warm gaze and a smile, shaking her head. Then she sighed and smiled brightly again, talking to herself. "A slumber party with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna…I wonder what it'll be like." She bit her lip and put her hoof to her chin. "What if it's very formal? Should I bring my crown? I guess I probably should just in case." She magically levitated her crown off of one of the library tables and onto her head.

"Okay then…" Twilight nodded. "I'm all set." But then a second passed and she blinked, her smile falling away. "But what if this night meeting isn't formal at all?" She glanced up at her crown hesitantly for a moment. But then she smiled again and shrugged. "Well, I guess if my biggest concern tonight is whether to wear my crown or not, I can handle it." A relaxed sigh left her.

But then Twilight blinked again, and a look of panic set in. "But what if whether or not to wear my crown isn'tmy biggest problem? After all, I've never spent a lot of time at once around Celestia and Luna together before even though we're all friends…and it is a slumber party. So what if there are other problems and fighting just like there was between Applejack and Rarity at my first slumber party?" She considered, starting to pace. "After all, Luna and Celestia have definitely been known not to get along at times, and definitely worse than anything with Applejack and Rarity. What if the pony sisters have a disagreement or something, and I get caught in the middle?" She swallowed. "What if they expect me to decide disputes between them because I'm a princess too?" Her eyes went wide. "Or what if the two of them actually turn out to be perfect, but I make some kind of horrible mistake or say something wrong and make the whole night awkward?"

Twilight gasped, her pacing stopping and her look of panic growing wilder as the true potential ramifications of this night continued to sink in. "I mean, sure, they're my friends, but they're also Princess Celestia and Princess Luna—the alicorns who started ruling Equestria ages and ages and ages ago. My slumber party books can't know that, so what if the rules in them don't apply? What if it's rude to suggest mud masks or truth or dare or a pillow fight? I only just became a princess—I don't want to offend anypony's sense of decorum! Maybe I should treat this like a high tea or something. But then what if that's offensive too—like I'm being too snooty in their home?! So, maybe I'll just act normal and hope for the best? Or I'll just follow Celestia's lead? But then what about Luna, I don't want to offend her?! Oh, why didn't this alicorn princess thing come with a book I could read on it!" she suddenly announced loudly, holding a hoof to her forehead in despair.

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