Chapter 11-Discord's Dance Lesson

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"So…this is the Gala." Discord sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He was currently wearing a tuxedo and a tie and standing in the center of the Canterlot Castle ballroom full of ponies. "It's…interesting. Heh…" He shrugged and half grinned as he glanced at his companion for the evening.

Princess Celestia stood beside him, smiling up at him…and looking more radiant than ever.

'I swear, if I didn't know better, I'd say her coat was actually glowing white and her eyes were a shimmering warm violet and that hair of hers is flowing around her head in more waves and curls than I can even count,' Discord thought to himself in a small daze which he quickly pulled himself out of with a sheepish smile and a clearing of his throat.

Celestia, meanwhile, nodded to his observation about the Gala and took a step closer to him. "Yes, the Gala always is a very nice night. And I'm glad to have you to share it with, my dear friend." She nuzzled his paw a little.

Discord almost pulled back but then managed resume his casual smile and take the gesture in stride with a chuckle. "Oh stop kissing up, Celestia. You've already got me here and in the monkey suite and ready to boogie the night away. No need to butter me up with anymore coaxing." Then his smile softened a little and he added, "But…I'm glad to share this night with you too, good buddy." He gave her a gentle nudge.

Celestia laughed warmly. "Come on then, Discord. Let's go meet some of the guests."

"Sure." Discord gestured forward with his arm. "Ladies first."

Celestia smiled more. "Thank you." She headed out among the ponies, Discord following after her…while the pony guests looked on…and whispers started.

"Look, it's the traitor…"

"The old villain, and so close to the princess…"

"My great grandpappy used to tell legends that the great grandpappy of his great grandpappy passed down through the generations about when Discord ruled Equestria so long ago. He made ponies suffer for fun!"

"Who does he think he is trying to pass himself off as one of us now? He'll never be one of us…"

All of these comments met Discord's ears, and though on the outside he continued to keep his head high and follow after Celestia, on the inside he was locking up more and more, his heart pounding and his eyes going wider and wider.

Then Celestia stopped and Discord stopped too, right in the middle of the largest crowd of ponies the master of chaos had ever seen. Celestia smiled and cleared her throat, looking out to the crowd. "Attention, my dear guests, allow me to introduce my escort for the evening—Discord." The princess stepped to the side and gestured to Discord with her hoof, at which point the lighting over the crowd grew dim and Discord found himself under a white hot spotlight, which normally was his favorite place to be but right now was absolutely the last place he wanted anything to do with! The whispers grew around him.

"He left Princess Celestia and Luna and even Princess Cadance to perish at the hooves of Tirek…"

"He betrayed his friends!"

"And look how uncivilized he is! Like he could ever really be a gentleman worthy of the princess. She probably just feels bad for him, that's why she really asked him to the Gala…"

"He won't be able to dance."

"He has nothing in common with anypony."

"He looks so funny in a tuxedo!"

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