Chapter 9-Nightmare On Horseshoe Bay

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While Twilight, Celestia, Luna and Pinkie Pie had been spending their time party planning and Rarity had been spending her time sewing, Discord had been off for over a day now enjoying himself as thoroughly as possible and 'celebrating' finally understanding what all of his strange dreaming had been about…. And what better place to celebrate than in the tropics?

The sun was now setting for the day and giving off a particularly rosy and orange glow in Discord's current location reclining on the white sands of a small island off of Horseshoe Bay. The draconequus was smiling and resting on a lounge chair while wearing sunglasses and sipping a fruity drink from a straw inserted into an upside down hollowed out coconut.

The last rays of sun moving just beneath the ocean horizon now, the master of chaos let out a sigh and smiled to himself. "What a perfectly chaotically relaxing evening for me. No rules, no chores, no confusing emotions about confusing ponies. Oh I feel infinitely better now that I've sorted out this dream nonsense and what's bothering me. I think I might like a girlfriend—simple as pie." He shrugged, snapping up a piece of pie for himself which he ate in one bite and then sipping some more of his drink. But then of course Discord sighed and rolled his eyes with a grin, snapping away his now unneeded sunglasses. "Oh, all right, fine, maybe 'simple' isn't the word for it. Let's face it, in this little pony-dominated plane of existence, my prospects are slim, so I doubt I'll be courting anyone soon." He smiled again. "But still it's just nice to know what was bothering me and to be able to go back to sleeping whenever I want to without fearing Luna's wrath. Certainly now that I've faced my problem, my dreams will go back to being about nice, pleasant loopy chaos."

Discord yawned, snapping away his drink and resting his arms over his chest. "I really need to take more trips like this…and stop clinging so much to the greater Ponyville-Canterlot area." He sighed, his voice lowering. "I guess I've just wanted to make sure everypony really was all right after Tirek and…what I did." He frowned just a little. "And then I guess there's the Gala thing too to get through. After that's over though, I really do need to think about what I want to do with myself, where I should go, what'll be best for everyone and for me."

Discord contemplated the pressing problem for a moment, but then a yawn escaped him as sunset progressed into twilight and the sky dimmed. "But for now, falling asleep on this toasty, private beach so far away from all the cares in the world is my most important goal." He smiled and snapped up a fishing hat for himself to pull down over his eyes, though then his voice lowered a little more as he added, "…Even if I have grown to like those cares quite a bit." The master of chaos yawned once more, and finally as the moon began to glow in the sky, Discord fell asleep under the stars, feeling relief at slumber for the first time in days instead of anxious curiosity about what uncontrollable sun princess dream he would have this time and if a vigilant Luna might indeed send him to the sun for it.

Discord blinked a few times, feeling in a haze. "Where am I? I…" He suddenly noticed all the gloom and darkness around him, the stiff rocky peaks, the bleak horizons… "Tartarus." His eyes went a little wide. "But…But no, I was never bad enough to get sent here, never!" He swallowed, a slightly pained look coming to his eyes and a sad feeling building inside of him that made him add, "But maybe I should have been sent here anyway. I…"

Then Discord blinked and suddenly noticed that he was not inside one of the stone prisons of this place but rather standing near the threshold of one.


The sound of Celestia's voice coming from that prison cage made him blink and inhale sharply and blush just slightly all at once. He dashed forward and came up to the bars of the magical prison to view its inhabitants.

The Most Chaotic Night Ever!-An MLP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now