Chapter 14-Pies and Pep Talks

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A yawning Luna came down the hallway of the Canterlot castle on her way to the dining room for breakfast on this sunny morning following the princess sleepover (and following her own long night of dealing with Discord and other dreamers). She inhaled deeply through her nose as she neared the room she sought. "Coffee...sweet nectar of the cosmos, I am coming for thou." Luna smiled to herself and pushed open the dining room doors.

The large table, as expected, was fully spread with a lovely breakfast buffet which the sister's had planned as part of the morning following their sleepover with Twilight. Yet, nobody sat at the table enjoying the feast.

Luna raised an eyebrow and glanced around. Then she moved back out into the hall and approached a guard stationed at the end of the hallway. "Excuse me, stallion?"

The guard jumped a little but swallowed and then put on his best look of determination. "Yes, Princess Luna, how may I serve you?" He put a hoof to his forehead in salute.

Luna sighed. "Please, be at ease. I have had sufficient sleep-I will not yell or use my Royal Canterlot Voice, and I apologize if I have been causing you or other members of the castle staff distress in that fashion lately due to my tiredness. Now," she smiled, "Could you tell me where Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight are? They are not in the dining hall, and breakfast is getting cold."

The guard's demeanor did relax a little now, and he nodded to Luna. "Yes, of course. Neither Princess has left the ballroom yet this morning, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia was seen briefly raising the sun two hours ago, but that was all. I will rouse them if you would like."

Luna blinked. "I see." She smiled but shook her head. "No, no, that will not be necessary. I shall go get them myself. Besides, until breakfast is over our Princess sleepover is still going on, and I am afraid rules still dictate that no stallions may intrude upon the slumberers under any circumstances. But thank you for your assistance." She nodded in gratitude and then turned to head down the hall.

The guard saluted her once more. "Of course, Princess Luna."

Luna did not have far to go to the ballroom-around a corner and down another hallway. Once she reached the familiar large doors, she opened one of them cautiously. "Sister? Twilight?" she whispered loudly. "Are you awake?" She entered and looked around. There over in the center of the ballroom Celestia stood with a smile, carefully magically cleaning things up from their festivities last night while Twilight still slumbered peacefully on the big pillow they had shared last night.

Luna approached with a smile and kept her voice low as she addressed Celestia. "Sister, is everything all right? You are usually at breakfast before I am. And is Twilight well?"

Celestia made a few empty cider bottles disappear and nodded with a smile in return, likewise keeping her voice low. "Yes, she's fine, Luna. I think we forget sometimes that other ponies don't rise at dawn and dusk like we do: they go to bed quite a while after it's already been dark and wake up quite a while after the daylight comes. Twilight's just sleeping normally, and I didn't want to wake her. Or I at least wanted to wait until all the cleaning up was done before I did to give her as much time for rest as possible. I think you wore her out a little last night, Luna." She smiled more. "Thank you. I think she loved the slumber party."

Luna smiled more and nodded. "Of course, Celestia. I am glad I could give her a good memory. I think it was a good memory for all of us actually."

Celestia nodded in return.

Then Luna raised an eyebrow. "When I asked a guard for your whereabouts, he told me that no one had seen you ever since raising the sun. Is everything all right with you, Celestia?"

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