Chapter 12-Confidences,Confessions,and Admissions

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It was later the same day, and Discord was resting on a pink cotton candy cloud above the cottage home of a familiar yellow pegasus friend of his. The chaos master looked up at the blue sky overhead lit by the bright sun (which his gaze both tried to avoid and yet couldn't stop being drawn toward.) And he thought to himself very deeply until he finally couldn't help lightly mumbling the words of what was on his mind. "I should not have felt the way I felt when we were dancing and she fell onto me." A deep sigh left him, and Discord could already feel the familiar blush from the Canterlot castle ballroom returning to his features. "She's just so nice to me, and she tries so hard to be my friend.... And then to feel her so close after our dance. It's been so long since I was that close to anybody. I remember-I like being close. And I still like her." He closed his eyes, recalling the moment again of their crash to the ground. So much sweet, perfect, lovely warmth hugging him a friend but more. He sighed deeply. 'Oh yes, Discord, go dance with Celestia-nothing romantically awkward could possibly happen. I'm such an idiot.'

"Um...excuse me, Discord? Are you okay? You haven't said anything or even come back down to the ground in a while-not since you made my garden flowers start dancing and turned the vegetable patch into a candy and pastries patch. I just want to make sure you're all right." This message was delivered in a very soft and timid voice by Fluttershy who had just flown up towards Discord's cloud, her eyes and the top of her head peeking above the edge of the cotton candy mass to look up at her friend.

Discord blinked and sat up. He did his best to smile normally as he looked down at her. "Oh, yes, yes, I'm fine, Fluttershy." He nodded and then glanced down. "I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind today. And I'm not feeling as magical as I could be, I guess."

"Oh," Fluttershy frowned a little as she flew up to hover in the air at eye level with him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Does it have anything to do with that thought you had the other day-the one that made you feel really good and made you want to be magical?"

Discord blinked and then glanced to her and shrugged. "Well... sort of, yes, but at the same time no." He rubbed the back of his neck, his brow furrowing. "It's complicated."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Fluttershy smiled as sincerely as ever and gently touched a hoof to his shoulder.

All Discord could do in response though was blush and look down, shaking his head. "I can't. It's far too embarrassing, Fluttershy, far too surreal, even for me. But I do appreciate the offer." He managed another smile to her.

Peaceful Fluttershy nodded, still smiling kindly as ever as she removed her hoof from him. "I understand, Discord. But I'm here if you do need me for anything. And I promise never to judge you or to tell anyone anything you might share with me in private."

Discord smiled more and nodded to her in return. "Thank you, Fluttershy. I'll keep that in mind."

Fluttershy smiled more back at him. "Well then, I'll just fly down and enjoy the new temporary chaotic garden some more. You can come down whenever you're ready and practice more helpful and fun chaotic magic, and then we can start our tea party." And with a nod, she started to descend to the ground below.

Discord, however, suddenly found himself moving forward on his cloud and holding out a hand, his eyes a little wide. "Fluttershy wait!" he called out.

Fluttershy flew up again to be eye level with him. "Yes, Discord?"

Discord hesitated for just a moment longer, biting his lip slightly. And then he finally took a breath. His eyes met hers. "You'd...really never ever tell a soul what I might tell you?"

Fluttershy shook her head, smiling more. "Oh never, Discord. You have my word as your friend. I'd never tell a secret unless I thought you were in danger or something and I couldn't think of anything else to do. But if it's just a personal thought of yours, then of course I'll keep it to myself forever. I Pinkie promise." She winked and held up her hoof.

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