Chapter 7-What's In A Date?

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The next afternoon in the marketplace of Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack were walking together and having a conversation. Or rather, Apple Jack was walking and pulling a cart of apples and apple pies behind her while Rainbow Dash was flying just above her as the two of them had their conversation.

"So we're agreed," Apple Jack went on, "We're both just gonna tell Rarity that what she wants to do with adding some rainbow accents to our Gala dresses from last year is fine, but that we don't want any froofy rainbow accessories to go with them. We already liked how we looked last year, and we're already probably gonna get enough attention at the Gala this year—no sense in overdoing things."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah, definitely—keep the rainbows, lose any extra hairclips or sashes or saddlebags or jewelry she might also want to add to our outfits. Sounds good to me." She shrugged. "Though, if anything, I think Rarity'll be relieved instead of disappointed that we don't want her to make us a bunch of accessories. She's gotta be so busy designing for Discord and now Celestia that I'm sure she won't mind someone giving her a little less work to do." She smiled.

Apple Jack smiled too. "Exactly. Plus, I heard from Twilight that Rarity's makin' a tuxedo for Spike now too. Apparently he's going to be her escort this year." Apple Jack's gaze warmed. "Ain't that sweet?"

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I guess it is. But sheesh, what's with everypony getting obsessed with having dates this year?"

Apple Jack shrugged, looking forward. "Well, it is a dance, Rainbow Dash, and the social event of the year. I guess it makes sense that some ponies would want to bring dates. I'm just glad it ain't a requirement—I just want to enjoy myself this year with my friends, especially after all the ruckus last time around." She sighed and shook her head.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help smiling and laughing a little at the memory though. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But still, you have to admit, when we kind of demolished the ballroom last year…it was kind of pretty awesome. And Celestia actually liked it!" She shrugged with a grin.

Apple Jack had to chuckle a little herself and nod, looking to Rainbow Dash again. "True, I guess. But I'd just rather not cause any wanton destruction this year. And I think Twilight's right, we probably shouldn't mention to Discord the details of what happened last year. The last thing we need is him thinking doing stuff like that is okay or worrying that he might cause some of it himself accidentally."

A dry look came to Rainbow Dash's features, and she sighed. "Believe me, Apple Jack, if he destroys the Gala, it won't be an accident. It'll just be another ridiculous prank that we've gotta clean up." She rubbed her head with her hoof.

Apple Jack sighed, stopping her cart at its usual spot in the marketplace and removing its harness from her back as she prepared to set everything up for selling apples and pies. "Oh I'm sure it won't be that bad. And Celestia'll be watching over him the whole night—what could go wrong?"

Rainbow Dash smirked a little, raising up her arms to make air quotes as she replied. "You mean besides the fact that he's 'scheming' to 'crush her dreams' of being his 'special somepony'?" She kept it together for a second but then couldn't help bursting into laughter, rolling over in mid-air.

Apple Jack rolled her eyes but couldn't help laughing a little too. "Rainbow, don't start saying things like that, especially around town. We don't want to rile up any more rumors about their…their…'date.'" And now Apple Jack had a small full-blown bout of her own laughter to try and control.

"Discord all lovey dovey, and Celestia all lovey dovey for him—priceless!" Rainbow Dash wiped a tear from her eye, turning in the air to face her friend.

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