Notice From the Author

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So yeah...We're back here again.

I'll keep this short and sweet: please do enjoy journal two. I'll also be posting weekly updates (well, 3-4 chapter parts a day), so you won't have to worry about running out of chapters to read. I know long messages from the author are usually frowned upon, so I'll stop here. (Well, one more thing: just a reminder, if you haven't read my first journal yet, please do. You can find it on my profile page.)

Yours truly,


P.S: The reason I took so long to finally post this book was because I was waiting for the cover to be finished. Honestly, it was worth the wait.

P.P.S: I now realize this, but this book is a big one. 0.0 I knew it was going to outclass my first book, but holy guacamole...I hope you'll like this monster of a book.

The Blackwyrm Chronicles #2: My Little Campaign of Carnage Gets out of HandWhere stories live. Discover now