Chapter 81

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Teaming up once again with Luna, we dismantled the illusions that surrounded the camp so the rest of the team could see the encampment. Sure enough, we were at the outskirts of an admirably-sized camp.

Ben loosed a low whistle: "Holy shit..."

Dorrian chuckled: "Holy shit indeed."

For as far as I could see, the camp was composed mainly of tents. Their sizes and colors differed, but the main thing I noticed was the stench of dark magic hanging over this place.

Thinking a few steps ahead, I cloaked everyone so we wouldn't be instantly spotted.

Sure enough, a pseudo-vampire stumbled past us. This one looked as if it had been seriously burned, as the angry patches of skin on its body could attest to. It was fair game to infer that the eater of dreams staggering around was one of the few that retreated last night. I don't think its master was very pleased with its failure from the previous night, so this poor thing had been condemned to a slow death as the sun slowly crested the horizon.

"Whoa," Dorrian whispered, "The sun's coming up."

"Indeed it is." Nova mused, "It's so pretty."

Luna sighed, "I can't help but feel bad for the poor thing."

"It devours auras, Luna." I reminded her, "It deserves no sympathy."

"At least put it out of its misery, Helix." She asked me quietly.

"Alright, I can do that." I told her. I snuck up on the pseudo-vampire and snapped its neck. I then dragged it away from the campsite and kicked a light layer of snow over it.

Ben whistled, "I take it that was one of the skills you learned during your assassin years?"

A rueful grin appeared on my face. "Aye, Saul taught me how to silently dispatch an enemy. That knowledge does come in handy every now and then."

The old ranger nodded, "indeed it does."

I smiled: "Alright my peeps, it's time to split up and kick some ass."

Analise instantly grabbed Dorrian's forearm: "You're mine, little man."

He sighed, "Go on without me Helix."

I snorted, "I'll be in a team with Luna and Syl."

"I'm with dragon boy," Nova chimed in.

"I'll go with Horace then," Ben said as he fist-bumped my advisor.

I nodded, "Fair enough. Let's get down to business."

Everyone went their separate ways: Luna and I went straight into the camp and stared at the strange sights that greeted us: strangely-colored smoke billowed from a few tents nearby, hooded figures walked past us silently, and peculiar creatures were contained in cages of various sizes.

"Something tells me this campsite also doubles as a marketplace for these necromancers." I mused.

Luna nodded, "Aye...we need to put a stop to this..."

I got a brilliant idea a few moments after that, and I sent a message to Erron.

"Hey dragon boy, I need you to start setting this camp on fire."

I didn't get a response for a few moments, then I heard his signature quiet laugh.

"Dragon boy? Is that my new nickname? Well, I'll gladly start setting this place on fire. Hey Nova?"


"Get your scattershot rifle out and ready to use. I need you to shoot anything that tries to attack us when this place lights up."

The Blackwyrm Chronicles #2: My Little Campaign of Carnage Gets out of HandWhere stories live. Discover now