Chapter 51

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I saw Dorrian and Erron run toward me as I continued to walk down the gravel street.

"You okay Hel?" Dorrian asked nervously when they reached me.

I snorted: "That's a stupid fucking question."

Erron chuckled, "He's not wrong. Your comment is just as bad as walking up to someone who's stubbed their toe and asking them why they're crying."

"Hey, I was trying at least." He snapped, "Well, I see you knocked the old man out."

"He had it coming to him." I replied with a grin.

"Well, let's get back to the others." Dorrian continued, "You look like you need a stein of rum, my friend."

"You just read my mind." I murmured wearily.

He chuckled, and we continued to walk down the gravel road until we finally got back to Delsaran's impromptu home/HQ. We entered the building and slowly made our way to the room where my team sleeps. When I staggered into the room, Luna stood up from our bed and walked over to me.

"Don't ask." I mumbled, "Dorrian already beat you to the chase."

She laughed and embraced me: "I see your chat with Saul ended well."

I snorted as I stepped back from her and laid the old bastard down onto our bed: "Yeah, I kind of had to punch him in the face."

"At least you're back." Nova chimed in as she sat on her bed and idly tinkered on one of her inventions.

Ben rose an eyebrow as I deposited Saul's weapons onto my bed as well.

"I take it you won?"

"Yep, I knocked him out cold."

A smile appeared on his scarred lips, "Good. You didn't die, so I'd call that a win in of itself."

I sighed, "How kind of you to say that."

"It's my pleasure."

Returning my attention to my still-unconscious mentor, I got the bright idea to slap him. He stirred, then idly rubbed the red mark I left on his face.

"Ow..." he mumbled.

"Wake up fucker." I told him, "I beat you fair and square."

He groaned as he sat up, "Did you have to punch me?"

"Yes, yes I did."

Saul opened his mouth a few times to work a kink out of his jaw: "Eh, it could've been worse. I'm just glad you didn't break my jaw."

"I probably did, but I healed your wounds so you'd only be slightly exhausted. Oh, and here's your weapons. I repaired the axe I damaged, so yeah..."

He took his weapons and set them off to the side: "Thanks kid."

"Any time old man."

"I'll get even with you. Mark my words."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I replied distractedly as my brain drifted off in thought again as it began to construct what could've been the craziest plan I have ever devised.

Luna saw the gears turning in my head and sighed: "It's a miracle your brain hasn't crashed yet."

"Huh?" I replied, losing my train of thought, "I'm fleshing out the plan I'm coming up with..." My mind drifted off yet again.

"Boo!" (Damn you Scorch...)

I almost thought I was going to shit myself as I yelped in surprise and jumped a few feet into the air.

The Blackwyrm Chronicles #2: My Little Campaign of Carnage Gets out of HandWhere stories live. Discover now