Chapter 91

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Tholin looked at me in disbelief, "You know of the legends regarding the Fallen Knight, I presume?"

"I do." I confirmed, "Many brave warriors have tried and failed to vanquish the monster known as Azrael, but I'm not going to let that stop me."

He nodded, "While I do commend your bravery, it'll still be a rough journey for you-you'll need supplies and a fair amount of support to eliminate Azrael."

"I've already taken care of that." I told him as Serafine and Miras appeared in the room: "What I need from you is your permission for me and my team to traverse your country freely and without trouble as we go after Azrael."

"Sounds reasonable." He mused as he rose from his seat, "But what is it you want, Mr Blackwyrm?"

"Please, just Helix." I told him, "What I want...hmm, it's something we'll have to discuss at length when I arrive."

"Well?" He prompted me.

I huffed, "What I want is the liberation of the remaining blood elves that're under your jurisdiction."

Not surprisingly, I caught him off guard, and I saw the conflict apparent in his eyes.

"Yes," He murmured, "we most certainly will discuss this at length when you arrive in my city. When should I be expecting you?"

I looked at Luna, who shrugged.

"In the hour." She told him with a grin.

Tholin looked at her with an expression of pure disbelief on his face before nodding: "Very well, my men will expect you to arrive at the gates of my city in the hour. We will then speak about...your proposal in more detail when you arrive."

"Sounds like a plan." I replied, "See you in the hour, King Tholin."

After I finished talking to the high king of Ilfhannin, Fredrick looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"How the fuck are you going to get to Ilfhannin-which is a three week's ride away by carriage-in the hour?" He demanded angrily.

  I smiled, "Calm down Fred. We're going to blink to the capital city."


"Serafine, Miras, and I are going to pool our reserves together, and we're going to blink the carriages containing my team to Rhys Vadia." I explained, "I know it sounds completely insane, but it'll work. We don't have three weeks to waste traveling the countryside, so I'm going to improvise."

"He is right, Fredrick Moreau." Serafine chimed in a soothing tone, "You have nothing to worry about. Considering Helix will have the reserves of three lords at his disposal, this feat is possible."

Fredrick sighed heavily: "Alright...forgive me for snapping. I just want to ensure relations between Ilfhannin and Alysia are maintained. They're rocky enough as it is, and I don't want to risk damaging relations with the High elven king anymore than they already have been. Speaking of which, why are you asking Tholin to free the blood elves that are under his jurisdiction in return for dealing with Azrael? I'm sure you know what those people did during the Dread Decades."

I felt a growl well up in my throat as I looked my high king in the eye: "Really Fredrick? I thought you were fucking better than this? The people you're talking about aren't guilty. The small faction of blood elves who decided it was a good idea to ally themselves with the demon forces trying to invade our realm are now long gone, and those who remain are the ones who tried to stop their idiot brethren from doing such a thing. They don't deserve the fate that's been given to them, and I'm not going to let them suffer."

The Blackwyrm Chronicles #2: My Little Campaign of Carnage Gets out of HandWhere stories live. Discover now