Chapter 78

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Horace and I continued to patrol the village until the same patrol leader checked in again.

"The aural vampire has been secured. We are heading to your current location now, so please stay put my lord."

"Good," I replied, "All patrols, you may kill any and all aural vampires you come into contact with. Leave no survivors."

"Aye sir!" Came the collective response, and I could've sworn I heard excitement in my soldiers' voices.

I smiled, "Oh yes: I need a village patrol to stand guard at the inn of this village. It doesn't matter who volunteers, but I would appreciate it greatly if a squadron volunteered."

"We'll do it." A village patrol leader told me.

"Thank you. You'll find the inn via an aural flare I'll create for you. Your mission is to make certain nothing gets into the inn. Do this, and you'll earn my highest regard."

"Yes, my lord." The patrol leader replied: "We won't fail you."

I nodded: "Good."

Ten minutes later, the patrol that captured a live aural vampire brought me their catch.

Even though the lupans present were in their bestial forms, this...creature towered over them. It was pitch black: the only thing I saw were its crimson red eyes. Its limbs were long and slender, and its fingers looked more like mini-knives than actual fingers.

I noticed how haggard the patrol looked and frowned.

"Was it difficult subduing the vampire?" I asked.

"N-No sir." The patrol leader stammered.

One of the soldiers restraining the creature's left arm stumbled and passed out, giving the aural vampire a chance to break free. With a screech of triumph, it bitch-slapped the lupan restraining its other arm and struggled to get a third lupan off of it that held onto its torso for dear life.

Too bad I was there.

I punched it in the face then followed up by snapping one of its arms with a snap of my fingers. I drew my sword and stabbed one of its hearts.

"M-My lord!" One of the soldiers present exclaimed.

"The thing has four hearts." I replied calmly, "It'll live."

After I shattered the aural vampire's kneecaps so it couldn't run away, I snapped its other arm and knelt before the broken creature.

"Do you understand basic?" I asked calmly.

It wouldn't look at me, so I casually stabbed it through its second heart.

"Will you talk now?" I demanded.


It shrieked in terror when I took out its third heart.

Losing my patience, I laughed madly.

"Basic, motherfucker! Do you speak it?"

"Y-Yes!" The creature gasped, its voice gravely and low: "P-Please...S-Stop..."

I smiled, sheathing my sword: "Was it that difficult to speak?"

No response.

I sighed: "How were you brought into this plane?"

It didn't speak at first, but it groaned when I drew my sword and pointed it at its final heart.

"S-Summoned." It murmured.

"By necromancers?"

It nodded in confirmation.

"Where are these necromancers?" I prodded.

The Blackwyrm Chronicles #2: My Little Campaign of Carnage Gets out of HandWhere stories live. Discover now