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Small note: I'm currently working on editing/rewriting parts of this story - starting at the start. So there's going to be a point where a few things may not make total sense.

 Also, there seems to be a glitch where all my quotation marks (") disappear. Just tell me at the start of any offending chapters. Thanks! :)

First of all, thank you for clicking upon this story of mine, rather than just scrolling past. So, I hope you enjoy it!

I will provide you, my dear readers, some information before you decide to skip forward and read - although you do not need to read this, it will give you some background information so you don't feel bogged down by an entirely new world. Although I do hope I explain it well enough during the story; this is just so you know a little.

Humans: These two-legged creatures barely come up in this story, they are mostly unseen - or very background creatures - and mostly unmentioned. You don't have to worry about them!

Dragons: These are the dominant species on the continent of Ballasmara, and are generally too proud and stubborn for their own good, although there are exceptions. There are loads of species, twenty-eight to be exact, although some are extinct, not important, or just do not appear (thirteen extinct, five neutral, ten fighting - two sides). So instead of producing an entire list and description, I will provide some description of two (yes only two!) species, plus a short and precise list. Or two.

Or four-

Fire Dragons

These famous fiery beasts have scales of varying shades of red and orange - although red is more common - their eyes being either red, orange, or yellow. Ferocious when those that they are close to being threatened, these feisty dragons are known to attack savagely and are proud of who they are. Usually, fire dragons are slightly larger than average, and their wings and tails tend to be slightly longer than most species.

Whilst all are fireproof and can breathe their renowned fire, very few have mastered the art of fire in their history due to its strong will and wildness. Renowned for setting their scales on fire, these warriors are not overly fond of rain. Or water in general, for that matter.

Water Dragons

These secretive sea-dwellers have varying hues of blue and green scales and eyes, with gills that they can switch to when under the water as well as the usual pair of lungs. Their strong tail is used underwater to help them turn whilst their large wings create their momentum much faster than other species. Usually fairly calm, water dragons act with precision, giving their task everything to complete it, and are fiercely protective.

Unless they are born without the ability to breathe underwater for some odd reason, they can all breathe underwater and release their water element from their jaws. Legends tell of dragons able to move the very ocean to fulfil their needs.

Other Species

Allies of fire: Demon (red and black), Lava (dark red/ orange), Night (black), Shadow (very dark grey)³

Allies of water: Angel (silver/ gold/ bronze), Day (light blue/ white), Ice (light blue/ white, sharper claws/ horns), Light (white/ slightly golden)

Neutral: Air (light grey/ silver), Earth (green/ brown), Healing (pink/ light green)¹, Poison (green, bright spikes)², Rainbow (multicoloured)⁴

Extinct: Dawn, Dusk, Elemental, Galaxy, Halafayas⁵, Haramayas⁵, Ink, Lightning, Moon, Ramadayas⁵, Sun, Tamalayas⁵, Weather

¹ Although officially they are neutral, they are used by both sides to heal any wounded, so it balances out.

² Sometimes some ally with the fire dragons, although not enough to be considered official allies.

³ The demon dragons invaded them for some political reasons that has not been questioned, and few serve whilst the rest have been exiled or killed.

⁴ As they can change colour, it is possible that some are used as spies, but it is hard to tell for obvious reasons.

⁵ These were the first four species, called the ancient dragons, to be created by the deities.

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